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CLIF HIGH - Economic Ecology of the ELohim
Hello, humans. Hello, humans. It's June 30. It's like 10, 17. I'm out here getting a bit of sun, having some tea, recovering a bit after doing a bunch of work this morning. And I thought I'd go over a few things here. Okay, so we're at that point, right?
We're at that point of breakdown where it's starting to be visible to everybody. The normies are getting bitch slapped right and left by it all. They don't understand. That's the real tough part for them, right? Because they believe the facade that's been placed in front of them and now that there's bits and pieces that don't make sense,
that just don't fit with the narrative being presented, their minds find it difficult to reconcile. Okay, so you've got farmers that say, you know, none of this is helping the ecology, none of the climate stuff is real, blah, blah, blah, why are we doing all this shit? You've got kids that are saying, you know,
why am I working so hard for barely enough money to buy, you know, a coffee, that kind of a deal, none of it makes sense, you know. My parents didn't have to do this. My grandparents didn't have to do this and yada, yada, yada. So it's that aspect of.
the Naradime breaking down of bits and pieces of it standing out on their own, isolated in stark contrast to the rest of the Naradime, yet they stand there factually and persist. And this is what the Normies are finding very, very difficult to accept is the rupture of the Naradime, right?
Any of the individual pieces they might've been able to swallow But when they're out there seeing them, one here, one there, and et cetera, and they see that the Naradime, basically they're starting to see through the illusion of the Naradime that has presented the matrix of control as an organic world.
That matrix is breaking down, and the Normies are having a really tough time of it. This is going to accelerate through July. So the money stuff's going to get even worse, even stranger. Uh, we're going to have, um, the beginning of the crack up boom part of the, uh, inflation where they,
they pump so much money into the illusion of the economy. That is the stocks and the bonds, et cetera, that they get this big pump there. But that in essence degrades everybody else because it's a working one part of the, the the illusion of the Naradime against another in order to try and support it.
So the Naradime basically becomes self-consuming at this stage and continues for a while. Now, this will be a long while, all of this stuff. So we're going through a populist revolution. We're going through the fourth turning here in the United States. You should go look that up and read the guy's books.
We're going through the shift of the ages from the controlling aspects of Taurus, Pisces, et al., into the humanity aspect of the age of Aquarius. And we've exited the 325th year past the Kali Yuga. That's a significant place, right? There's a hangover that goes along with the Kali Yuga.
And it's in the same level of harmonics of metrics as the breakdown on the yuga itself in terms of how many years are involved in the Kali Yuga versus the others. And so there were 300 years of intense hangover. So from the 1700s up until the year 2000, we get into this period that's the gradually lessening hangover.
We're starting to get our head a little bit clearer. starting to think a little bit better. You know, we get science, we get all of this other shit, like, um, you know, internet TV, you know, um, uh, container shipment, you know, just in time, uh, inventory, all of this kind of stuff, you know, banking,
all of this kind of stuff emerges as in that hangover period, the 300 years, the hangover period, um, has a follow on that 75 years. Okay. And we're in that 75 years is busted up into three 25 year segments. And we've left one 25 year segment. We're going into the next one. And so the,
the first 25 year segment was the breakdown of everything in order to create the period of chaos that we're going to go through 25 years of essentially chaos in humanity. It doesn't mean that your area is going to have 25 years of chaos. It means that there's going to be a,
chaotic energy, a disruption of the old ways and an overturning of all the old shit for 25 years. And then we're going to get into this 25 years of the build-out of what I termed sci-fi world. Now, that's the build-out of it, okay?
So a lot of the inventions, the creation of sci-fi world will happen in this 25 years of chaos. Because in chaos, there's opportunity. We'll be... getting the chaos of the disruption of history. And so we'll learn real history and we'll be able to do new stuff because we'll know where we've been and where we come from.
So in that sense, the chaos area is very productive as well as the build-out. The build-out would be much more harmonious, though. Now, this particular little bit of discussion I wanted to do relates to the economic ecology of that we've inherited from the Elohim. Okay. Um, your economic ecology is how your, um, narrative functions,
both individually and collectively at an economic level. relative to the part of the materium you find yourself in. So here is basically, here's the premise. This is a statement of a premise and a bunch of postulates. This is because we don't have a whole lot of facts, okay? But basically, the premise is that the Elohim were Uh,
they were the species that invaded earth that became our gods, so to speak during the last, um, uh, descending during the descending phase, uh, on the other side of the Kali Yuga here. Okay. And I'll get into that in a second. When they conquered earth and stuff, they brought with them certain precepts and concepts,
which they've imparted and put on us. Uh, but some of these things allow us to, um, make inferences about how they functioned as a species and their history before they got here, or also their history off of Earth. We're making these as inferences, okay? That's why this is a premise followed by postulates, all right?
Because we're having to do a lot of speculation on slim evidence, but it's necessary for a bunch of reasons, in any event, okay? So the premise is that there was a particular kind of economic ecology that has been placed on humans that didn't exist prior to being conquered by the Elohim and then existed all over the place
after being conquered by the Elohim. All right, so let me state something here. Because of the war, because of everybody getting pissed at Russia, all of my expat guys have been kicked out, and so we don't have our old farts grouped together. All right, so I'm just working with one other guy here,
And we're trying to do some framework speculation on the ecology of the Elohim based on how we're functioning and these old texts, right? Okay, so... This is actually important stuff because it aids us in understanding why we're doing things in particular ways that these are not organic.
It's very much like the normies now being struck the normie farmer out there. And all of a sudden he's told he's got to pay $300 per cow tax on water. And he says, what the fuck? And you know, that kind of shit, right?
And they're trying to starve these farmers out, shut down farms all over the West coast. pay attention, people. They're trying to shut down farms all over the West Coast with these legislative mechanisms in these areas where Soros has captured the local political ecology. Anyway, so we're at that same level.
We're saying, you know, why are we doing some of this stuff? It makes no fucking sense, right? But if we go back far enough, just like with the farmer, if he goes back far enough to see that the climate scam doesn't exist as a reality,
it exists as a propaganda event to depopulate and seize control on the humans that remain. Then it will make sense what's going on. Then he'll say, aha. Okay. It's a fake. It's a fake out. They do not believe in the climate crisis. They've slipped that shit in legislatively in order to give themselves tools to
club me through lawfare into subservience and into death. Okay. And so the farmer will say, aha, now I must get in my tractor and drive to my local state capitol. hauling a giant tanker of manure and spray shit all over my politicians. And so that kind of understanding of what happened and why you are doing shit you
are doing will let you know the actual structure and the narrative and what you should do in response to all of this crap that makes no fucking sense. Okay. And so there's a lot about humanity and how we've organized ourselves that it falls into that category.
A lot of this, it's my premise, we take on from being conquered by the Elohim. And then there are many thousands of years of enforcing their rule over us. and are being in the Stockholm Syndrome position relative to the space alien invaders. So it's a premise of the old farts here that we have,
and we have support for a lot of our premise, okay, for a lot of the structure that I offer here. There's ancient texts that will validate this. And so we've come up with some numbers and this sort of thing. So initially, for instance, it's our understanding that the Elohim were part of a conquering group.
And we can't say a lot about the nature of the group itself because we have some levels of conflicting information. but also because that's the sort of jumping off point from where we start. In other words, all of humans were sitting around on the planet.
We've got tons, like, you know, hundreds of millions of humans on the planet. And we're actually fairly diverse in the number of hominids on the surface of the earth here. And then one day we get invaded by the Elohim. This invasion probably happened between, say, 12,000 years ago, And 8,000 years ago, somewhere in there.
We know that the Elohim, the invaders, the conquerors, they invaded and conquered. And we know that they fucked our history from that point on. And you can't trust anything from the point of their invasion. And we've got to piece all this shit together and reconstruct our history in order to understand what happened.
But anyway, so these guys invade. They destroy Atlantis, okay, which is at the South Pole. there's a giant, there was a big island. They destroyed that island. This causes the currents of the planet to change. Those currents then start flowing in a circle around Antarctica where before they
had been blocked and the warm waters from the Pacific would come down and go across this, the passes island to Antarctica and then come back up in the Atlantic. After this island was destroyed, The waters started circulating around Antarctica the way they do now today in what's called the furious and fast and fierce 40s, 50s,
and 60s of latitude in the south. Okay, so Antarctica as we know it was created at the time of that invasion. That's why it was, and it was frozen in a particular manner by this, the results of that invasion, by destroying that Island. Some of the other results of that invasion include the,
the history that we have now in the operations that we take on now. Okay. So it takes years. Okay. It takes hundreds of years. for particular things that happen in the ocean to reach full effect is that the waves pass through the ocean. So when the Elohim destroyed the island,
they used that to take over and destroy the Atlantean civilization, which was fairly advanced. And the space aliens didn't want the competition, so they came on down and destroyed Atlantis. And in doing so, they set off a wave of energy that went from the south up towards the north in this bouncing wave.
Some of those waves still are in existence today. In other words, the waves are going around the planet and they started off thousands of years ago with this invasion and they have yet to, with the destruction of the island, and they have yet to dissipate fully.
Okay, at the time that they did that though, 12,000 years ago, 8,000 years ago, whenever it was, They knew that there would be a point some thousands of years later that this would produce a giant flood. Okay. They also knew where this flood was going to have its main effects. And that was Mesoamerica and in the Mediterranean.
And consequently also the Red Sea and then, you know, in that band, right? All the way around into India and so on, but not into Malaysia, Japan and this kind of thing. So they knew that that was going to happen. So Noah's flood was a known event that was created by the Elohim thousands of years
before it actually manifested. Okay, it was global in the sense that that wave goes around the ocean, but not global in the sense that all of the earth was covered by water. Okay, so you really have to understand how tricky all this shit gets. Plus, the Elohim managed our history in order to suit themselves.
And so, anyway, so... So now the premise is that the Elohim were a, just like us, okay, so they are a long-lived, naturally long-lived species. So these fuckers would naturally live about maybe 2,000 to 3,000 years, something over 1,000 years, but beyond that we're speculating, okay?
And then they evolved to the point that they obtained the ability to leave their planet. Or they discovered science buried on their planet under circumstances we can only speculate. But they eventually got to the point where they could leave their planet. Once they did this, their economics changed. So we're really talking about the...
economic ecology of the Elohim from the point that they left their planet, and at least the group we deal with, because there may be a giant group of Elohim still back on Elohim home world, wherever the fuck that is, right? But the ones we deal with had a particular economic ecology,
and their economic ecology was based to some extent on their own people doing shit. As we see in the Bible and other books where they came to earth and theoretically created humans because the lower class Elohim were bitching about all the heavy work and they wanted some slaves to do it for them.
And that's why the humans were created the way they at all. You know, the Elohim didn't do anything for humans. There's no good Elohim ever. A good Elohim is a dead Elohim, and we're examining the crap around them. Okay, so now, the Elohim left, at least as I say, the subset that we deal with,
which may be all of them, we don't know, became fundamentally like nomadic... empire builders that were basing everything on, I will say, stolen or obtained technology. It seems unlikely that they invented it themselves, and I'm not going to get diverted as to why that's the case, but this is part of the premise.
that they came across technology that allowed them to, for one, build these giant force field bubbles that they live in, that they call the Gons, that we label the Garden of Eden, those kind of things, right? These bubbles were energy fields that replicated the energy from the galactic center.
At first I thought it kept that energy out, but no, what it does is it holds it in. It keeps it there. So they were always in a state several thousands of years in advance of us relative to the amount of energy they were getting into their brains and stuff. And this is why
They do things to the humans that they take into the Gons in order to keep them stupid, such that the energy that they find within those bubbles, those force fields, doesn't enable rapid evolution and mental prowess that would make the Elohim worry. And there is a reason for this.
In spite of what every other fucker is going to tell you, and probably it is every other fucker, I can think of maybe two or three physicists that would agree with me, In my opinion, there is, in my opinion now, there's no difference between my consciousness now and my consciousness in five million years of, quote, evolution.
And so consciousness is always at a particular level and does not change. It is inviolate. There's all kinds of things that does change in the materium, but consciousness is not one of them. So the Elohim are no more conscious than us. They have no more consciousness than us. They have a longer history,
and they have more shiny gear than us that allows them to do shit that we can't do. Okay, but there is inherently not ever going to be a... a consciousness gap between us, excepting those that are created by our situation with the Kali Yuga.
So the Elohim had an edge on us because they were always in the state of the Golden Age. They came on down here and set their Gons up in an era when we had much higher emanations from Galactic Center. Their Gons maintained that state for them, okay, all through the ages.
and maintain them in a much higher energy frequency, and gradually it wears down. And as we were getting into the real depths of the Kali Yuga, the Elohim took off because their Gons could no longer sustain the level of galactic energy that they needed. And there's another thing.
Once we turned the corner and left the Kali Yuga and started coming back into the Ascending Ages, which is where we are now, we're going to get more and more energy out of the galactic center emanations, all over the planet, and so there would be no effective edge mentally for the Elohim had they remained.
The only reason they had an edge was because they are thinking as we are now, but when humans were back several thousands of years in the Kali Yuga, we did not think as we do now. Our brains were very much more sluggish than they are now.
And that's a hard concept to understand, but humans were different several thousand years back. We will be different several thousand years ahead of us now, not because our consciousness is increased at all or because of any kind of ascension or any of that horseshit from the New Age people,
but rather because of increased levels of energy from the galactic center will cause different formations within our consciousness that will express itself in our brains being better and our thoughts being better here in the materium. Okay, it's all related to galactic center. So it was a strategic reason that the Elohim left.
That's why they're not walking around here today. Okay, there may be one or two hiding out somewhere, probably in Antarctica, but that's why they are not here is because even if they had their gong set up, they do not generate the energies from here. that it bathes them, they capture it like a bubble,
like turning a cup upside down and capturing an insect under a cup, that kind of thing. They capture the energy, and then it leaks out ever so slowly every time they open the doors and so on, right? Anyway, so these guys have a particular economic ecology wherein they go and they find some
level of stuff that gives them an advantage, and then they use that to go and conquer a planet somewhere and take over another species. These guys value biology. They value biologicals in a way that we do not understand, that we don't.
We don't quite grasp, although we emulate it here and we do all of the same kind of things that they do. We do genetic engineering on beef just the way they did genetic engineering on us. That sort of thing, right? Anyway, the... The economic ecology that they had is fundamentally based on, okay,
so all economies are based on excess calories. If you don't have excess calories, all the people die off because they can't get through the winter when there's no growing. And then you don't have an economy at all because there's no humans anymore, right? Okay, so, or no species anymore. Okay, that was the same way with them.
They got to the point where they had excess calories. could carry them over from year to year to year or they got to the point where they could manufacture food with energy and had an infinite source of energy. That's possible that they came across this Uh, uh, technology and or invented it themselves.
There is a lot in the ancient literatures to suggest that they had what the guys in Star Trek called replicators. Okay. Um, there's also a lot to suggest that these fucking Elohim did not invent it. Um, in any event though, so for whatever reason they have carry value,
they can carry over from year to year to year to year, uh, And so they develop this economy model, this economic model that is based in part on happenstance, on luck, or maybe on being really good at finding old shit and converting it to your use, right? They may just be really good space archaeologists and know from,
you know, TV signals or whatever the fuck, oh, look, there's a civilization that probably has invented such and such kind of gear. Let's go and see what we can get from those fuckers, right? So it may be that they're just really good at that. Nonetheless,
the premise is that their economy is based on the idea of going and setting up slave farms like Earth and maintaining, as they move off from Kali Yuga to Kali Yuga to Kali Yuga, they have to keep moving because as the Kali Yugas come in, they too lose energy and they start getting more stupid and so on,
right? And so they may have many such farms like Earth. Earth may be just one of a giant growing operation for life forms. And they go through these things where they harvest us at particular periods of time because they don't have to contend with our more advanced minds, our more advanced mentition, our more advanced...
cognition or our more advanced technology in those ages. It also may be that they are happenstance hunters, right? In the sense that they chose Earth because at the time that they invaded Earth, we had no big civilization with an external planetary kind of a defense other than Atlantis,
which was focused only on itself and was easily eliminated because of the geopolitical issues going on here, okay? And so they only face, the Elohim only face the Atlanteans, and so they come on down and they wipe them out simply by taking out that one particular island and then letting nature take its course,
which didn't even take a year to destroy Atlantis, right? Ugh. Okay, so their ecology is based to some extent on what I call space piracy, which is, you know, this happenstance going on out and just saying, well, let's go shoot over to that planet and see what the fuck is there.
And, you know, doing this kind of thing in a much more organized fashion, right? Now, these guys are... geniuses at organization, then that comes from their ability, from their lifespan, from the way in which they live. They may exist for 20,000 and 30,000 years individually living in these gonds, but the older they get,
the more reluctant they are to leave the gonds because the impact of non-radiative fields on them is much more severe than it is when they are younger. Again, these are postulates These are speculative points that we're deriving from reading the old literature. All right, so this is getting long. I wanted to get through some of this.
All right, so these guys invaded. We know that the main body of the force had 250,000 individuals of one species, which we think included the Elohim. These people came down and invaded us in the highlands in Nepal and uh, Tibet, China, caucus mountains, all in that region. Uh, they took over big parts of India.
They took over big parts of, um, uh, central Asia. And they were, uh, they, they, once they invaded though, the highlands, they moved rapidly down land into the lower lands. And so it appears it was just strategic that they just simply land at the high point,
take the survey of the land and then came on in and started conquering. Um, They were there for a number of years, and wherever they go relative to humans, they claim to be gods. And so there was a quarter of a million of these fuckers, but there's also some indication that they had other species, not humans,
that in some way aided them in this process of taking us over and so on, that may have been slaves of some other kind. Anyway, at some point there's, okay, and there's constant warfare among this group, in between themselves. They're constantly fighting for power within their own organizations and this kind of crap.
And we see this replicated in the Bible and all this literature. You know, Yahweh getting pissed that his humans went and talked to another El, got information from another Elohim member, right? Anyway, so there's this constant in battle, in fighting going on. So they have these big battles and wars,
which a lot of which is recorded in the Hindu literature that the devas, because that's what they were called there, was the devas. They called themselves the... Anunnaki in Babylonia, Syria, Acadia, all of these various different places, right? They call themselves the Elohim with the Hebrews,
with the other languages that were out of the Middle East there in Palestine, that kind of thing. So they have a different name wherever they go. They had a different name in Mesoamerica. That Mesoamerica was a core group of the Elohim that was one of the last to leave,
and it also was one of the last to leave, and it left with the ones that had been given the Hebrews such shit. Prior to that, the majority, so by the time we get down to the Elohim in the Bible, there is a Sky Council that is about 600 individuals here, right?
Anunnaki, by the way, means those who come to Earth from the sky. And they had their own version, their own. literature talking about the Sky Council and all the individuals. When they were the Anunnaki, there were about 2,500 individuals in the Sky Council. Okay.
And so in a period of just a few thousand years, we get shrunk down to about 600 of these guys. And then that gets shrunk again to about 200. And these are the various tranches of these people departing. these beings departing because of, in our postulate here, they are departing because of the lack of,
because of the depth of the Kali Yuga and the lack of galactic center emanations is doing some really serious damage to their bodies, and they got to get back to their little space bubbles. All right, so they're Economic ecology is based on piracy to some extent, or space archaeology, however you want to think about it.
We get hints in some of the literature that they're talking among themselves, and indeed they did discover ancient civilizations, and not only on this planet, but on other planets as well. And had looted those. And then they'd conquered a bunch on other planets as well. And they had these... I won't go into that.
We won't need to get diverted to all the other life forms and shit. Okay, so... Okay, so the... Our future here, as I say, we're in the same situation as the normies with regard to the, you know, nothing makes sense kind of crap, right? But if you take on board some of these ideas, some of these perspectives,
then things do start making sense, even if it's bizarre as fuck. It makes sense within that universe, so to speak, that is described in these talks. That universe stands solid in the sense that you can poke it, and there will still be something there, right? I mean, it's legit.
Elohim is the description that they use in the Bible, and it's a word that's plural, and it means gods. And they list the names of all of these fuckers in the Torah and so on. So there's no individual, overall, God-God mentioned there.
All the other words for God in the Bible, the Torah, etc., the Old Testament, all come down to Lord. Lord does not translate into Creator God. It translates into boss, someone making me do something, okay, in all of the languages through all of its etymology. It is not a word that was ever used for God.
It was a word used by the slave to the slave master. Yes, Lord, I'll do that. Okay. So anyway, so this is what we're dealing with. And there's some small percentage of the population that is paying attention to this kind of shit. And those are the people that, in my opinion,
are going to be rising up in terms of social presence because of our soon to be much more in our face, contact with UFOs. Not necessarily the Elohim, all right, not right off, but any UFO contact at any level busting through the narrative that we're dealing with here brings us into these discussions about the Elohim.
And so myself and Richard were working on constructing a You know, a series of premise, premi, in a bunch of postulates that support it. to provide a structure or a framework from which we can start examining some of our contacts with the Elohim in the past, and presumably currently and into the future,
such that we can figure out, hey, what the fuck's going on? Why are they doing what they're doing? And why are we doing what we're doing? And let's see what we can do to make all this shit make sense. Anyway, guys, take care. I gotta get in and do stuff now.
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