30 June 2024 update - Trump Parade, JoCo picnic, support House Mike Thompson and Laura Williams

7 months ago

Further in depth ranking for House seats to defend from Democrat overthrow here in Kansas!

- Yard sign day was last Sunday, get those yard signs up, even if your candidate doesn’t have a primary!

- PTSD awareness month, take care of those with trauma from victims to veterans to doctors, nurses, EMTs, Cops and firefighters!

- Juneteenth will ALWAYS be a Republican holiday!!

- Dementia Joe needs to go, after he loses in November to Trump 47! That debate, just like the Democrat party, was an embarrassment to this Constitutional Republic!

- Supreme Court for the win in Chevron deference vs the bureaucracy; along with 8th amendment protections for January 6 innocent protesters.

- US Senate becomes more fine tuned for November!

- Federal Reserve cuts expected in September and maybe one more? Would have been a LOT more cuts if Trump was still President. #HadABetterEconomy! #BuildBackBetterSucks

- Pat Proctor Elections night initial recap!

- Governor Kelly is a fraud!

- Trump has now pulled NM, MN, CO and Virginia into play after the debate!!! As almost as big as 1984!!

Check your August ballot!!

- Mike Brown for KSGOP chairman again!!

- Wyandotte County fair coming up 16-20 July!

- Chris Croft (Kansas House Majority Leader) and Wyandotte County Young Republicans at the fair on 18 July!

- NASCAR at Kansas Speedway in 90 days (27-29 September)!!!

- Trump VP??

- Kansas 3rd Dr. Reddy v Karen to take down Sharice in November!

Johnson County 2024 elections!
- Mark Hammil (D2)
- Charlotte O’Hara (D5)
- Tony Bergida (D6)
- Calvin Hayden for Sheriff re-election!
- David Greenwald for DA!!

Kansas Energy is no joke! We need to keep your utility prices down! Go Nuclear, Coal, trash to steam and natural gas!

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