Training Your Pelvic Floor to Age Well Even if You Have Incontinence, Prolapse or Pain w/ Kim Vopni

7 months ago

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2:16 - Kim’s backstory
13:20 - Postpartum pelvic floor care
17:36 - What does a Postpartum pelvic floor program consist of
23:47 - What moves the needle the most for prolapse and incontinence
25:11 - The Buff Muff Challenge
30:32 - What impact do meshes. lifts, and slings have on the pelvic floor
35:08 - Prolapse
41:43 - Levator avulsion
46:46 - Could a ski injury cause a levator avulsion
51:02 - GSM or vaginal atrophy
58:57 - Teaching about the pelvic floor in fitness education
102:11 - Where to find Kim online

Incontinence, prolapse, anal leakage or pelvic pain? Your pelvic floor supports you through everything in life however including keeping key organs in place. Many of the complaints with aging go back to pelvic floor health, so why is there not an emphasis on it’s care? Kim Vopni is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc - a company offering pelvic health programs and coaching for women in pregnancy, motherhood and menopause. In women’s health circles online, Kim is known as The Vagina Coach. She is a certified fitness professional, creator of the Buff Muff Method and Membership, author of the book Your Pelvic Floor, and a women’s health educator who co-hosts of the Pelvic Love Retreat. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Kim Vopni about pelvic health from preparing for childbirth to lowering the chances or reoccurrences of pelvic surgery and why pelvic floor health is necessary to age well.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

You can prep your tissue and pelvic floor for childbirth
The importance of seeing a pelvic floor therapist annually
Why Kegels aren’t working for you
How constipation and dehydration worsen your bladder leakage
Why there’s a high recurrence of issues post pelvic surgery like prolapse and rectocele
The two concepts to master to improve your pelvic floor health
How pulling pelvic floor muscles off the bone during childbirth causes pelvic floor issues
Lowering of UTIs with estrogen support vaginally

Resources From The Show:

Kim’s Website - Vagina Coach
Buff Muff Method $17 and 28 day challenge
Training the pelvic floor in fitness certificates
Epi-No - preparing women for child birth - available in Europe.
Bellies Inc - available in Europe
Dr. Shobeiri, Urogynecologist in DC - specialist in Levator Ani - avulsions

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