Obviously, all the big entities in Washington are very much captured by big pharma

7 months ago

Dr. Kimberly Biss, board-certified OBGYN: "Obviously, all the big entities in Washington are very much captured by big pharma. All of our medical journals are corrupted. As a matter of fact, in my exit speech as chief of staff in December, I told all my colleagues, “Read your articles very thoroughly and critically, because you just cannot take it on faith that these peer-reviewed journal articles are true and they’re not fraudulent.” I don’t know if you’ve seen the series Netflix, “Dope Sick,” which is about the opioid crisis.
The whole time I was watching that, I was trying to think, “How did I know the Sackler name?” It was driving me crazy. I think Purdue was the company that made OxyContin. I knew the gist, but I never knew the name of the drug family. It was bugging me.
In the very last episode, they were chipping their name off of the Louvre and all the buildings they had their name off on because they had lost in court, and now they’re a disgrace. There was a man standing under their name, Sackler Hall. He said, “I go to Tufts Medical School,” where I graduated from. Then he said, “My brother died of an opioid overdose. I want this name taken off the building.” That was my lecture hall for two years when I was in medical school. I was like, “ding.”
Medical schools get a lot of money from big pharma. We are taught the big pharma way, which is not health care. It’s sick care. You have a problem, you get a pill or an injection or a biologic. There is no looking at the things that are important—how you eat, how you exercise, how you sleep, and what you are exposed to environmentally.
If you have a problem, there’s a pill for it. There’s so many things that need to change. There are parallel systems that are being developed now to help..."

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