Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester and Mayor of Salford traitor Paul Dennett

7 months ago

Unelected members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have laid out plans to “reduce car ownership” among members of the general public.

During the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, aka “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists discussed plans to force the masses to give up their vehicles and use public transport instead.

A mayor from the UK spoke at the event and revealed during the panel on “Electrifying Mobility” that his city is being used as a testbed for ushering the globalist objectives.

Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester and Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett told fellow globalists that his city will lead the way in the shift toward reducing car ownership.

“I think the Greater Manchester story is one of collaboration and ultimately forging ahead,” said Dennett.

“We want to be a leading exemplar of a city region when it comes to transport connectivity.

“We see EV charging within a much bigger remit of integrated, smart, sustainable transport connectivity.

“Ultimately, we also want to reduce the dependency on car ownership, and we want to increase the dependency on public transport,” he added.

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