Colored Pillls - Andrew Tate

6 months ago

Are you ready to transform your Financial, Fitness, Health and the most important to get out of Matrix game? Join us on an exciting journey to think out of the box with Andrew Tate as your guide!
In this eye-opening video, Andrew Tate shares about Coloured Pills

Imagine someone lent you 100k USD in cash, for any purpose you choose.
Start a business, buy crypto, invest in property.
Then imagine modern “education" had to convince you their service was worth the 100k investment — imagine how badly they'd fail.
How many people would choose a university degree in this scenario? Zero.
The true scam is that you can access your first loans as an adult ONLY if they are used for “education”.
They won’t let you use them for anything else. I wonder why?
The cash must exist in a vacuum with no investment competition.
That 100k of education isn't compared to:
100k of crypto.

100k of real estate.

100k of stock.
They combine this absolute lack of competition for the investment funds with repeated and heavy indoctrination on how to succeed in life. They prescribe a 4 year university degree as the only solution.
It is a LIE.
It is THE BLUE PILL which is designed to create people who make the super cars and make the mega yachts.
Not the people who BUY the super cars and BUY the mega yachts.
Which one do you want to be?
The modern education system is purported as a way to escape, when the reality is you will work begin your life in debt.
You will be too replaceable to ever be paid well. After all, how many million university graduates exist?
Many of you reading this have already fallen into it.
Most of you KNEW this before you joined university, but you didn’t see an alternative.
There is an alternative to the blue pill.
The Real World.
A program designed to teach 18 modern methods of wealth creation.
We teach you how money is made, how it's earned and the most efficient markets and industries to acquire it.
Every professor inside of The Real World has become a millionaire with the exact business model they are teaching you.
If you want to learn to play piano, you learn from someone who can play piano.
If you want to be a millionaire, you learn from a millionaire.
We have our own servers,
Our own infrastructure,
Completely uncensorable.
We applied ChatGPT and AI technology into each of our programs within the first day of launch.
Why? Because we teach REAL BUSINESS.
Business models that work TODAY and evolve with the ever changing battlefield of money making.
Over 100,000 students, we are the most accomplished and successful educational platform on Earth today.
We leverage every law of the universe to your advantage,
Communities designed to help propel you forward and strengthen your resolve to become RICH.
There is no fluff.
Only what works.
You can go to university for 4 years and never will anyone sit down and say THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE MONEY.
We will teach you this on the very first day.
We do not exist in a vacuum. My university is competing withl every other dollar investment on the planet.
100,000 people are EARNING MORE VALUE than they've invested, we could not retain them any other way.
There is no better solution to the modern day struggle of wealth creation.
Once you understand HU4 is simply the best possible investment on the planet, you are failing yourself if you do not join.
Let's keep this very simple.
You will learn how to make money from men who know how to make money.And the first rule is SPEED.

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