Toddler Has Existential Crisis Over Turning Four Years Old

6 years ago

Most people have existential crisis about their birthdays when they hit milestone birthdays. You know the ones, the dreaded 30, that crazy half-century mark of 50, the I’m an adult 18, and maybe 25 if you are really into being able to rent cars for yourself. However, usually people don’t lose their mind over between birthdays the ones that you mark but don’t notice as much like say birthday number four or birthday number 32. Those birthdays where you don’t pay them much mind.

The little boy in this video however cannot handle the fact that his birthday is coming up and he does not want to turn four-years-old. Instead, the little boy wants to stay three-years-old forever. My personal favorite part is when he asks his mother how long he has to be four and she tells him that he will only be four for a year. He actually seems happy about that until he learns that he can’t go back to being three-years old ever. His number will just keep going up and up but never back down.

Though, we suppose it is better that this kid learn that fact now and not later. Maybe he will be able to avoid a midlife crisis later because he kind of already had it when he was three going on four. Or maybe not, maybe when he hits 35 or something like that he’ll have a meltdown. Though we hope his midlife crisis goes outside of the stereotypical Ferrari, Porsche, hair plugs mode that many guys go through. Ahh, but he’s young, in crisis and has so much life to live and learn about. Keep on keeping on kid.

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