/ Xgaming: Th3CombatLlama Giveaway Thank You Intro Msg / NMS & XDefiant / MW3 Gameplay #45

7 months ago

- Th3combatllama is a sheepdog and fellow brother in the fight against the current mental health crisis in the military & first responder community.

- Below you will find links to his channel, his non profit .org and his llc.

- You will also find a link to @cosmicphonktv who introduced me to Llama via his original give away post which we retweeted from Cosmic's X timeline.

- From X on 06/28/24 @ 2322hrs few mins/hrs after being notified of winning "th3combatllama" custom built PC giveaway on his livestream:

"Please do me a favor and support these men, their community and their vision.

"We just won a pc giveaway, big ty post incoming but first a shout OUUUT! #PickKick 📢🥳🥳🎮

God is good & you guys are doing his work with honor. "


- Please also go check out Llama's veteran owned and operated custom build pc store BC's-Pc's at:

- Lastly, If you are looking to donate to a worthy charity who puts the donation straight to work on behalf of the veterans and first responders, please make sure to visit:




Show notes:

- Xdefiant
- cod mw3 interstellar camo grind
- No Man's Sky

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