Enter The Mahdi: Anti-Christ or Messiah? #hiddenimam #iran #palestine #israel #gaza #karma

8 months ago

Hi Lightworkers! Thank you for watching. A new day is dawning!

The birthing process of a new human star race is painful. But It is essential that Lightworkers and Star seeds use their intuition and other abilities to navigate through these times. Listen to your Guides, Angels, and GOD (Universe). Pay close attention to your dreams. Some dreams are not simply dreams. Some dreams are past life memory. Know that you are fully equipped with the wisdom and knowledge that you need. You have the spiritual ears to hear and the spiritual eyes to see. You have all the abilities to do and act in ways that break away the confines of the 3D matrix. You have everything you need within you. Remain calm and centered. You have everything you need within you during this time. Ashe. Namaste.

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