Body By Science: Strength Training

7 months ago

Certainly! **Body by Science** is a research-based program for strength training, bodybuilding, and complete fitness. Developed by exercise scientist Doug McGuff, M.D., and weight-training pioneer John Little, it challenges conventional exercise wisdom.

Here are the key components of the program:

1. **Brief Workouts**: One of the standout features of "Body by Science" is its time efficiency. Workouts are kept short, with just **12 minutes a week** required.

2. **High Intensity, Low Frequency**: By pushing muscles to their limits in a single weekly session, "Body by Science" harnesses the power of intensity.

3. **Slow and Controlled Movements**: Unlike traditional weightlifting, which relies on fast repetitions, "Body by Science" emphasizes slow, controlled movements.

In as little as 12 minutes a week, you can:
- Build muscle size and strength rapidly.
- Optimize cardiovascular health.
- Ramp up your metabolism.
- Improve flexibility.
- Manage arthritis and chronic back pain.
- Build bone density.
- Reduce your risk for diabetes, cancer, and heart attack¹². 🏋️‍♂️💪

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 30/6/2024
(1) Body by Science: A Research Based Program for Strength Training, Body ....
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(3) Body by Science: A Research-Based Program for Strength Training, Body ....

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