Koala The Bloodshot - Breaking down DELTA 9 vs THCa, Are Head Shop Dabs Real? GOV. UNDERHANDING

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So. There is a caveat in the decriminalization of Hemp, and that Caveat should have never been allowed and would have never been allowed if not for the Federal Government insisting on Epidiolex. I honestly wonder at times If the Stanley Brothers weren't themselves FDA associates given they were all straight edge and before doing this ok me would imagine they knew the FDA held the patent to that which they needed to make theirs..... Truly theirs. I have always said they just wanted to advance the science, but it is possible they were just FDA plants. The fact that the FDA slipped THCa under the noses.of even the DEA, well it speaks to Our lack of knowledge as an society and the ease with which an authority can manipulate words in front of everyone and nobody catches it until, well until it was too late.
I do want to also remind Maryland that Entrepreneurs are fighting a hell of a battle.in their own, against an established massive multi state cannabis machine, the cannabis cartel imo, . . . And it is all related to Dabs in Head shops, it's all interconnected. And has direct relation to why MARYLAND CANNABIS SUED MARYLAND HEMP.



Advoc8 always
Meduc8 Daily

Don't break the law ..... While.your breaking the law...... Unless your the FDA .... 😂

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