The testimony of the former CEO of Himalaya Exchange has showed how Himalaya Exchange operates

6 months ago

6/24/2024 [Feather on Wayne Dupree Podcast] Feather: The testimony of the former CEO of Himalaya Exchange, a witness for the prosecution in Miles Guo’s trial, has helped everyone understand how Himalaya Exchange operates and how it benefits investors. Himalaya Exchange is a developing legitimate credit system that will evolve into a more mature and developed system for everyone to use.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #HimalayaExchange #MilesGuotrial
6/24/2024【Feather做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】Feather: 文贵先生庭审的检方证人喜马拉雅交易所的前任首席执行官的证词帮助了大家了解什么是喜交所,以及它是如何为投资人带来利益的。这是一个正在发展的合法信用系统,并逐步发展为一个更加成熟和完善的系统,供所有人使用。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #喜马拉雅交易所 #郭文贵庭审

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