There's no actual proof that Mr. Miles Guo is guilty of money laundering

5 months ago

6/24/2024 [Feather on Wayne Dupree Podcast] Feather: So far, from what we've seen from people who testified , there's no actual proof that Mr. Miles Guo is guilty of money laundering.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #MilesGuotrial
6/24/2024【Feather做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】Feather: 到目前为止,根据已经作证的人的说法,没有任何实际证据证明郭文贵先生犯有洗钱罪!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #郭文贵庭审

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