The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, published in March 2020, is an opinion piece

6 months ago

6/18/2024 [Hearings to examine origins of COVID-19, focusing on available evidence] The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, published in March 2020, is an opinion piece, but that opinion was not well-founded. It was simply an idea being pushed by politicians at the time.
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #TheproximaloriginofSARS-CoV-2 #Fauci
6/18/2024【审查新冠病毒起源听证会】发表于2020年3月的《SARS-CoV-2 的近端起源》只是一篇观点文章,完全没有充分依据。这只是政客们当时推动的一个观点。
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #SARS-CoV-2 的近端起源 #福奇

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