The Realms of Amenra: The Galaxearals - Clustraorb (Galaxy Island) Unlisted Video

7 months ago

Name: Kara "Clustraorb" the Galaxy Ghost
Element(s): Space
Gender: Female
Age: 422 (22 years old)
Ethereal Equivalent: Reebro
BIOS: Kara "Clustraorb" was a woman who loved to use her space camouflage. She uses this power in her Military missions, she works with her father "Calvin" in the Monstorion Army where they're called in on missions together. After using her camouflage in her space military missions, she was given the codename "Clustraorb". Kara wishes someday to be a member of the next generation of warriors in battle.

Name References: Cluster + Orb

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