Article 4913 Video - International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4913 Video - International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers - Saturday, June 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

1. Realize that there are different jurisdictions of law -- (1) land and soil; (2) coast (maritime) and high seas; (3) air -- commerce and ecumenical law.

2. Realize that living people live on the soil that stands upon the land, breathe the air, and have both fresh and sea water in their veins, so that a living man rules and inhabits all these jurisdictions and has "general jurisdiction" in all three primary jurisdictions of law.

3. Realize that by a purposeful and self-interested process of misrepresentation and registration, your natural political status as a free man or woman has been hijacked, your identity has been stolen, and your "presumed" status has been denigrated to that of an indentured servant or a slave, such that you no longer have access to the guarantees and protections of any Constitution, and no longer have access to the law of the land and soil.

4. As a further direct result, your Good Name has been copyrighted by the British Crown Corp, your property assets have been dumped into a public trust, and you don't actually own anything. You are considered either an indentured servant and Ward of the Crown, or, alternatively, a Roman slave. (The recent attempt to create a class of "Transhumans" below the level of a slave has largely failed.)

5. So, your identity has been stolen, your political status debased, your property has been unlawfully converted and seized upon and used for collateral backing Crown interests and all sorts of payola rightfully belonging to you has been distributed to political cronies of the persons responsible for this state of affairs; your actual assets have been mortgaged to high heaven and your very life and soul have been traded on black markets as part of various insurance schemes.

6. The False Claim of a "public" ownership interest in you and your assets, was made by a private, for-profit government Subcontractor, the British Crown Corporation, and has been alleged based on your purported waiver of your natural estate via "voluntary" (but undisclosed) registration of your birth (berth) and your equally purported preferred adoption of indentured servitude as a member of the British Territorial Merchant Marine Service -- a Person named after you and using the same exact name, spelled and styled the same way, but operating under the Law of the Sea. This Merchant Mariner, however, ran into a spot of bad luck and has been "missing, presumed dead" for quite a number of years, which has resulted in the creation of a Municipal ESTATE trust named after you.

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