Louisiana's 10 Commandments Law: A Big Win For America

8 months ago

Louisiana recently passed a law requiring all public schools to display the 10 Commandments. This law is a huge win for America, and this video shows the history of schools in America and shows that The Bible is what America grew up on, and that this law does good by returning to America's forgotten heritage!

A Defense of the Use of The Bible in Schools: A Letter by Dr. Benjamin Rush
- The Original Letter: https://archive.org/details/bibleschool_202001/mode/2up
- Get it at WallBuilders: https://shop.wallbuilders.com/index.php/the-bible-in-schools-tract.html

The New England Primer
- A 20th Century Reprint: https://archive.org/details/newenglandprimer00john/mode/2up
- Get it at WallBuilders: https://shop.wallbuilders.com/index.php/new-england-primer-book.html

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