Live Chat with Paul; -195- SWR Latest Claims + MUFON embarrassing crashed UFO + Mommies wont die

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Weekly catch of viral UFO vids +
Nasca Mommies lies spun as truth + Skinwalker ranc h and beyond
more hilarious claims exposed + MUFON exposed as promoting fake UFO cash
to drive 100 dollar streaming service and more!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
and finds pilled changed some webpage code disabling
his new counter for live stats so decides to see if can fit it quickly
[00:20:46] (2) Main Topic Begins - Great Donation from ManLock
as Paul begins the live show on UFOs finally!
[00:20:56] (3) MUFON exposed trying to sell a fake UFO case
this is not the first time Ron James reputation is toast!
[00:29:00] (3b) Ron James cry baby damage control email to blackvault
[01:02:10] (3c) Ron James email to thirdphase exposes his motives in UFOLOGY
[01:24:00] (4) UFOman Tin promoting a blurry cube mylar balloon
[01:33:00] (5) The radar decoy balloon with cuve reflector inside that most likely
Ryan Graves talks about. but didnt actually SEE!
[01:36:00] (6) Faked UFO testing video at area51 is most likely
a modified video of a F117 landing gear being tested
[01:47:30] (7) Rojas promoting starlink train over exposed so no gaps seen
as a cigar UAP
[02:10:00] (8) Chat crashed and Paul restarts it
[02:12:00] (9) Warning disinfo poster
[02:15:00] (10) Nazca Mommies wont DIE - Paul revisits it and tries to
show how they are made with various animal and human bone mix
and how scientists can be fooled by tricksters like Jaime M.
[02:20:00] (10b) Fake Doctors PhDs in the team of mommy researchers!
[02:31:00] (10c) Paul finds images of latest 3 fingered mommy with
elongated fetus? to compare in editor so people can see how Paul
[02:50:00] (10d) comparing bones how it could been faked
[03:08:00] (11) Now Paul breaks down the claims of latest Skinwalker Rance
Guys from both shows. No UFOs just more bugs and satellite coms
Paul sums up some additional bits first on Mommies
[03:27:00] (11b) Now back to the slide show on SWR.. the thing near
heli looks like a spider on the seccam Lens I have examples from own
house cameras!
[03:31:00] (11c) MIL jet with Radio and Radar maybe the
source of 1.6ghz? and then talks cattle mutilations
and drilling etc
[03:40:00] (11d) Travis clueless on updrafts hanging
parachutes in the air for extra minute!
[03:43:00] (11e) Travis think spy gear from gov helis
doing the 900MHZ... but Paul finds many things that
use it like walkie talkies and wireless mics :)
[03:46:00] (11f) Calf with pink eye or microwave burns
or radon radiation damage?
[04:00:00] (11g) Indians and bugs on Beyond SWR.
Paul goes over each key part of thermal heat changes
due to cloud moving and thermal drift and bus
in 90 degree turns proven to be bugs as 2 cameras
setup and one got it only!
[04:45:00] (12) Fly me to the moon comedy on moon landing
faking from Knapp and other minor bits to end show with!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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