Heaven Land Devotions - Possessing Heavenly Power

7 months ago

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We know that God by His power created the heavens and earth. But since the fall of mankind, there has been nothing but a struggle for power. The entire Bible begins and ends with the war for power. In every facet of life there is a wrestle for power.

Satan is behind this problem as he is insanely power hungry. He has his ultimate plan to produce his "man of sin" so he can have full world power and worship through him.

A few nights ago there was a presidential campaign that clearly demonstrated that power has collapsed in our nation. I saw no winner. I saw the end.

There are world powers going to war to obtain power over another. Israel is going to war against Hezbollah to eradicate their power. Ichabod is now engraved on mostly every church. There is nothing now but "confusion, noise and garments rolled in blood."

In the word David said, "God hath spoken once, twice have I heart this, that power belongeth unto God." Psalm 62:11. Before Jesus went to heaven He said, "All power in heaven and earth hath been given unto me." Matt. 28:18.

We are not only given power to become the sons (and daughters of God), but power in Christ as becoming something "more than conquerors." All powers are collapsing world-wide including our own and this nation is NOT coming back.

So keep in mind that "All-Power" is living in you and THAT power will always overpower all other lesser powers that are fading away. We are children of the living God who possess heavenly power that is ours now until the end.

Exercise yourselves in His power that is in you in advancing prayer and reading your Bibles and singing. Even the saints that come out of their graves arise singing from it. Isaiah 26:16-20.

“Some Day Someone is going to pick up this book (The Bible) and believe it, and put us all to shame.”
― Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries: A Classic on Revival

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