internalization nation, population shrinking daily

2 months ago

this is my sanctuary? hahahaha
my peeps (geese) ain't here
i saw some possums earlier, i get stoked to see any animal
i never put up anything w/out watching it first
technology illiterate by choice
i was really stupid for buying that software but it was an impulse buy
i waste $ at some point every wk, i can't hold onto $ to save my life
maybe i'm just not supposed to ______
question whatever is popular
you vote w/ yer pocket book
why would you wanna purposely dumb yourself down
just cos it's convenient right now don't mean it will be in the long run
why does society enjoy staring at a screen so much
i get being bored to some extent
you could just study yourself
all cos they don't wanna be alone
deadbeats are called deadbeats for a reason
my selection wasn't all that great but...
you wouldn't need strangers to validate you if you had that in your personal life
fuck twitter
twitter makes the majority of people who use it a total narcissist
social media has usurped humanity
i usually don't tell people about what i do here
i got the wrong jew but i meant paul westerberg
antisemitism is a form of racism
much apologies to any replacements fan in the vortex
there will always be alternatives
ag is yer fave hole in the wall vlogger
more eyeballs more problems
they ain't doin much so i guess i offer them an opportunity to shit on sumin
i used to wake up so empty, now i can't contain this
either we go to work or we go to work
putting it out there regardless of what anyone has to say about it
i can understand the major risk involved in being an artist
stand up is way harder than anything else tho
most people on the internet are w/out substance
if it ain't constructive then it ain't worth worrying about
some of them don't leave tho, they come right back
imma make sure that our contact is limited
most just want an excuse to continue the self-pity reel
bonding over mutual hatred of personal growth...those are my trolls
i am plenty nice to the sheep in the real time
artistic people tend to be empathic
at some point imma sound self-righteous
i have every right to be arrogant about this damnit
plebian sheep doin what plebian sheep do best
they will never be against what they really oughta be against
i have yet to check out summertown, i really need to
maybe it is a cult but isn't everything tho
how is a hashtag not cultish
i strive to make non-degenerate art
answering lauren southern's old ass tweet
conservatives in general aren't very artistic
the point ain't recognition, the point is therapy
it ain't just therapy for me, it's therapy for anyone that watches it n feels less alone
i'm glad i used to be a liberal cos i have this mindset
all cos i don't like what you make
another side rant for ya
goodbye liar, pretty sure they won't be back
they won't apply it, that is true
your job is to shit on people, SAD!
imma assume they're all jewish
ronnit is one of the few good jews
Jesus was a jew, RIGHT?

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