“I Know Where You Live” (August 2021)

8 months ago

When the Officers Wark and Lea find Andrew loitering in Niwanda Park after dark, they take the opportunity to give him a summons which states he has to go to court on August 27th.

1:50 Officer Lea informs Andrew that he must be in court on August 27th. Andrew says he wants to go to the hospital.
5:50 “You abuse your powers, Pig!”
7:28: “You know I hope to god... you guys, uh, I know where you live.”
Wark: Is that a threat?
Andrew: No. I know where you live.
Wark: Let's think about that. Is that a threat, Andrew?
Andrew: No I never threatened you. I'm recording you.
Wark: You just said 'I know where you live'
Andrew: I'm recording you. Why would I- I never said I was gonna threaten you. Am I free to go?

Original title: FB 20210801 000235
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: August 1, 2021

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