Driftwood ⭐️ FULL MOVIE ⭐️ Walter Brennan, Natalie Wood & Dean Jagger ⭐️ 1947 ⭐️ Dog Movie

6 months ago

Driftwood is a 1947 American drama film produced and directed by Allan Dwan and starring Ruth Warrick, Walter Brennan, Dean Jagger, and Charlotte Greenwood. The movie also features Natalie Wood as a little orphan girl who adopts a collie.

Plot The story revolves around a six-year-old orphan girl named Jenny (Natalie Wood) who rescues a collie dog, the only survivor of a plane wreck. A tag on the dog’s neck states that it is en route to a medical laboratory where its blood will be used for spotted fever vaccine. Dr. Steven Webster (Dean Jagger) meets both Jenny and the dog and “adopts” them both.


Jenny Hollingsworth (Natalie Wood): A six-year-old orphan girl who rescues the collie dog and becomes the center of the story.
Dr. Steven Webster (Dean Jagger): A doctor who meets Jenny and the dog and decides to adopt them.
Murph (Walter Brennan): A druggist who helps Jenny and Dr. Webster.
Susan Moore (Ruth Warrick): A teacher who is in love with Dr. Webster.
Mathilda (Charlotte Greenwood): A friend of Susan’s who is skeptical of Steve’s intentions.

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