MAJOR UPDATE! Obama Rushed to White House! Kamala Screaming | Jill Pleading: What's About to Happen?

3 months ago

RR News Update! – June 29th, 2024 Justus Knight

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On today’s broadcast:

Title: BIDEN EMERGENCY! Jill Biden and Kamala RUSHED IN! Minutes After Debate All Hell Broke Loose in MASS PANIC!

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Rumors and reports coming out of the White House at a feverish pace. New report coming in that Barack Obama and Ron Klain are being brought to Biden’s location immediately and that is just the beginning of a very unusual story that is now developing and one we’re going to bring you here in just one minute!

As we have covered for you, the Democratic Party faces a looming crisis in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s horrendous and barely lucid debate performance against Donald Trump, raising serious doubts about his ability to continue serving as President. So much for the false specter of Deep or Cheap Fakes, no, what we got was a full dose of reality on Thursday as the Country watched in shock and disbelief on what was occurring right before their very eyes.

Following the debate, internal concerns have escalated within the party, with growing speculation about Biden potentially stepping down from his candidacy although Joe Biden and his campaign have been fighting back the calls for resignation.

But ‘Houston, the Democrats have a problem’ and it’s a major one. Unless Joe dies, and I mean literally dies, they would potentially be conceding the entire election…it’s election law 101 that now has everyone panicking and Jill Biden I’m sure considering more sinister scenarios could now be at hand.

The best thing for Republicans is to allow him to keep running, but then ask yourself for a minute, why is the ‘blob’ now calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked? We’ll come back around to this point very quickly.

According to earlier reports from the Daily Mail:

Democratic strategist David Axelrod, a key figure in Obama’s campaigns, had revealed that Biden’s team strategically scheduled one of the earliest presidential debates in history (June 27 on CNN) to dispel doubts about Biden’s capability. However, this move carried significant risks.

While a strong debate performance could rally Democratic support, any misstep could intensify calls for Biden’s replacement.

Political analyst Mark Penn, a former advisor to Clinton, highlighted the CNN debate as Biden’s crucial opportunity to reassure voters.

Sources close to suggest that if Biden falters in the debate or if his poll numbers continue to decline, influential figures like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer could collectively press him to withdraw. Well this is exactly what happened and now the Democrats have the disaster they do…a beautiful symphony of silence, speculation and sheer PANIC!

However, another potential complication arises if Biden adamantly refuses to step aside, potentially prolonging a divisive campaign within the party.

There have been ongoing reports of discontent within Biden’s own camp. Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany cited insider information indicating tensions over Jill Biden’s insistence that Joe Biden seek re-election | her pleading and demanding that the inner circle DOES NOT CHANGE COURSE. Kamala Harris is reportedly upset over not being considered as a replacement candidate, screaming to all that listen why she is not immediately consider the heir apparent. Yet other names like Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom continue to be floated around.

And now we have this development. In a Fox News segment, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany dropped what she described as a “bombshell” concerning the current state of the Biden campaign.

McEnany quoted a post from Doug Kass, a hedge fund owner and prominent figure within the Democratic party, who claimed to have insider knowledge about a meeting taking place between President Joe Biden, his former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, and former President Barack Obama.


“What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.”

As you could imagine, we will be watching a waiting to see what happens.

But now the mother load of issues is dropped, one that throws everything into complete disarray for the Democrats.

According to an article by the Daily Mail titled EXCLUSIVE How conservatives could make it very hard for Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ballot if he has a disastrous debate or steps aside . we find out about major logistical hurdles that may hinder any attempt to replace Biden on the ballot. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has identified procedural challenges in states like Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin, where withdrawing a presidential candidate is complicated and could lead to legal disputes.

More specifically, The Heritage Oversight Project, as reported by the Daily Mail, has highlighted significant challenges in removing Joe Biden from the ballot. Legal complexities vary by state, complicating any attempt to substitute him before Election Day.

In states like Wisconsin, withdrawal from the ballot is only permitted in cases of death, posing a substantial barrier to Biden’s removal. Nevada allows changes until a strict deadline in June, with exceptions only for death or mental incompetence. Georgia mandates that if Biden withdraws less than 60 days before the election, his name remains on the ballot but votes are disregarded.

The Heritage Foundation’s memo underscores these hurdles, emphasizing potential pre-election litigation in swing states. It outlines state-specific withdrawal procedures and timelines, cautioning against procedural errors that could invalidate efforts to replace Biden.

Moreover, the memo anticipates complications post-election if Biden remains on the ballot despite withdrawal attempts, further complicating the electoral landscape.

In conclusion, the Democratic Party is navigating a precarious path as it grapples with the possibility of Biden stepping down and the complex legal and political ramifications that would follow. If I were Jill Biden I’d keep my head on a swivel, you don’t know right now what direction your own party may choose to attack from. But it isn’t only her own party that’s the issue now is it?

As we close, I want you to ask yourself one very important question. If someone ‘non-Washington’ like myself can work through all this you must assume there are a couple folks on the ‘inside’ that know this also. Now that we know, Biden cannot be replaced on the ballot in three swing states, except for death or 25th amendment then why oh why, would so many be calling for the 25th amendment to be involved right now. And keep in mind those calls are coming from the ‘right’; from Johnson, to Roy, to Tillis…just to name a few. Now, if you remember not so long ago when we spoke, the 25th Amendment would allow Kamala to take the Presidency, so we would have an unelected President. She would then have to appoint a Vice President (we would then have an unelected Vice President) and who oh who could that be? Or, don’t forget the Supreme Court scenario, and what they just did with the Chevron precedent, could lead to…

All the worlds a stage, except both sides of the stage are the same and don’t think for one red hot minute they don’t have a plan in mind. When the Washington blob moves, watch closely, it devours everything in it’s path. Grab your popcorn, things are about to get very, very, interesting.

I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless, Justus Knight…signing out.

Justus Knight

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