The U.N. Deception ▪️ NWO: One World Government ▪️Old Video, Full Film

8 months ago

The U.N. Deception ▪️ NWO: One World Government ▪️Old Video, Full Film
When the bankers took over the financial system, next was take over the world, in their time. The many organizations they created (CFR, UN, NGO's), have all been used in governments,to eventually overthrow governments to create their One World Government. To remain a free people in all nations, the sovereignty of each nation, instead ofm allowing elites to control the world by their plan, starting from the bottom up. This documentary is old, but we see everything they have done, and are trying to do. Please share this video, and allow others to see exactly why these organizations, including the UN, are not in the interests of humanity, but for them to rule the world, using all militaries under their leadership. In many nations, including the US, is treason by these actions.
To the US, remember your oaths to the Constitution. Treason can have grave consequences. Knowing this information, together we must take measures to preserve our nation, legally, lawfully by the masses.

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