Grant Someone The Luxury Of A 2nd Impression... Here's why

2 months ago

A first impression is very important. But sometimes we don't properly represent ourselves with our first impression. In the same way you would like others to give you a second chance, a third chance, and so on - we ought to give others that luxury.
So grant someone the luxury of a second impression.

That said (as I mentioned in the video), if you've known someone for a while and they have consistently shown their character to be like that of a child, you are under no obligation to attempt to "start fresh" every time you see them. They've shown who they are. (Still, Treat them with respect. But don't be surprised by how they uphold themselves).
All that said, leave the door open for the possibility of them changing for the better. And if that does happen, praise God and don't hold the person's past against them.

Thanks for watching.
I hope you got value out of this.

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