Beware Of Filipino Women - MGTOW

8 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share a personal story that really got my noggin joggin. In my childhood neighborhood there was a single man living alone for the last thirty years after his mother died. People would have called him a loser for never moving out. But he inherited the house, has or had a small car collection, enjoyed his hobbies, travelled and is in his late eighties now. He didn't have any kids and if I had to guess was worth about two to two and a half million dollars. He did have a sister. She passed away a few years back and he had a couple of nephews. So I thought the most logical thing to do was to give them the assets in his will. Well that won't be happening. He has a friend he met in a car club and that friend and his Filipino wife got power of attorney over him and she's a nurse that wasn't even there nursing him from what I could see. She put him in a home the moment he got sick and my parents told me they never once saw her there taking care of him. Instead it was her husband, her pet simp who befriended him at various car shows that was there looking after him. The last time I saw him he was dazed and confused as if he was on some sort of medication that made him out of his mind. Granted he looks like he's in a lot of pain so he could be on morphine or oxycontin which I've been on and they turn you into a zombie. What really pisses me off is that she used her simp husband's friendship with the guy to get her hands on money that she didn't earn. After his house gets sold the money is probably going to go to the Philippines to support ten children. The reason he never married has to do with the fact that he was gay. His neighbor told me a couple of decades ago he had flamboyant flaming parties in his backyard. And it then made sense to me why he was so eager to talk to me when I was in my teens and early twenties. That's besides the point. The thing that really pisses me is how women like here are going to prey on single unmarried men in the future. The last Filipina I dated was also heavily into status, money and was trying to control and dominate me. The way that poor guy was being dominated by his wife. I spoke to a friend about this and we agreed that down the road somewhere after you pass away a woman is going to get your money and everything you've worked hard for. Sell all your stuff at a yard sale, liquidate your assets and live the high life. I spoke to one of his neighbors recently and she told me she said Filipina's were bad and greedy and my mother told me the same thing years ago because she worked in a company that was 90% filled with them. I experienced the same thing dating one of them. There was also a Filipino church near where I grew up and it was all Filipinas and no males in there. Even their own men ran the hell away from there. They were all dressed for show in designer dresses and you know it's bad when even their pet simps won't show up. Then again they were probably way too busy working to support their lifestyle. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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