June 29, 2024

8 months ago

Thursday, as I arrive to this café, no cops, at my exit, very CIA NYPD 5064 the two cops at the sidewalk, also very loud emergency vehicle FDNY 1515. Emergency personnel vehicles, the frequent use of very loud sirens by these vehicles at the street where I live and when I go out, specially when I exit a business, but also as I ride my bike, is another element in the harassment of my persona. Moreover, their presence near me, has also for objective to be the first at the scene, in case that an “accident” happens to me. While I was driving trough Canada in 2009, from the very east of the country, Quebec province, to the very west of it, BC, I could notice an ambulance at a prudent distance at almost all the time. These ambulances were not just ready to rescue me, but to rescue the spies themselves, because in order to pass me, to setup some type of scheme, they had to rush, and they got into accidents, I remember seen on several occasions accidents that have just happened minutes before me getting into that part of the road. When my “accident” happened, the ambulance was there no more than a minute after happening, this was a desolated area, as I can recall.

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