The Plans for Your Future: Practicalities of Agenda 2030 Discussed by Liz Gunn and Maria Zeee

7 months ago

Independent journalists Liz Gunn (NZ) and Maria Zeee (Australia) discussing the anti-human agenda of the United Nations "sustainable development goals". Sold as being all about the wellbeing of planet earth and humanity, the goals are in fact an Orwellian plan to impose tight controls on human movement, liberty and rights. The covid response was their practice run, including use of digital identification promoted as "for your safety". Using the guise of protecting everyone against an airborne virus that floats on air currents for hours to days, was perhaps the most obvious lie that awoke me to the fact that something very wrong was happening. The digital tracking system was useless for public health purposes.

Digital identification will ensure you have no choice but to comply with whatever rules are imposed, linking bank accounts, health services access, purchase history, physical location and all other activities to a central control repository. It is intended that this will have the capacity to block you from doing anything that doesn't fall within "the rules" of your existence which is claimed to be harmful to the planet in the name of "climate change", "pandemics", and whatever other manufactured crises they can conjure. Actual environmental care - reducing pollution, protecting forests and ecosystems - and actual human health - are degraded so that artificial "sustainability" can be imposed. This enriches the powerful class, whilst establishing third-world-style corrupted systems to crush the masses into compliance with their own impoverishment.

Do not comply. Refuse any digital identification system sold to you as "convenient" or "safe". We have the power to stop this.

Find the ARUP report referred to in this video, here:

Learn more about the C40 network of mayors who are incentivised to commit their towns and cities to local implementation of the global goals, here:


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