The Sinister Agenda behind Transgender Ideology

7 months ago

Transgender is a very recent movement that has had a flourishing development since the last decades. Meanwhile transgender or LGBT movement [i.e. short for all genders, gender identities and sexual orientations deviating from binary gender and heterosexual norms] has developed an enormous impact on the public. Trans women are often the big winners at beauty contests, model castings or in sport, outclassing biological women. The “path to the right body” is described as a child’s play in TV programs, radio reports and on social media channels of public broadcasters. Advertising has exploded in recent years and transsexuality is presented as an attractive identity. This is not without consequences: Thousands of young people – especially girls – who find themselves in emotional distress believe it’s they themselves having come up with the idea of being “trans”. A new transgender identity seems like the perfect solution to them: Erasing the old self, having a new body, a new start into life connected to the trans community and their support as their new surrogate family. For example, gender reassignment has increased more than twenty-fold in Germany in the last 16 years, with comparable trends in Western Europe and the USA. Criticising this movement has, in the name of freedom and tolerance, become subject to an ever-increasing censorship. Conservative values, in contrast, are even labeled as right-wing extremist. Transgender has, this way, shaped a powerful rupture in society. Concerned parents and people from out of the midst of society are fighting for their children and the preservation of values, while the LGBT movement is supposedly fighting for their freedom and new identity.

However, it is important to take a closer look whenever rapid changes with a high potential for division can be observed. The question arises: What is happening here? Is this really about a natural movement coming from the people? Is it possibly controlled and if so, who does it serve or what goals are being pursued? Jennifer Bilek, an investigative US journalist, has studied this question intensively and discovered a huge network behind the transgender movement. KlaTV summarizes her key findings, and adds its own research.

1. Rich billionaires as masterminds:
At first glance, it appears that many of them identifing with the LGBTQ movement promote and support it according to their financial means. On closer examination, however, this impression turns out to be deceptive. As the following connections show, there is much more to it.

1.1 Tim Gill:
Tim Gill is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist and LGBTQ activist who is married to Scott Miller. He was one of the first openly homosexual men to appear on the Forbes list of the 400 richest people in America. According to Jennifer Bilek, he used around half a billion US dollars to infiltrate the society with the transgender agenda and reshaped it accordingly. This made him the largest single LGBTQ donor in US history. He founded the Gill Foundation, a private foundation that campaigns for full equality of LGBTQ people. But Tim Gill and Scott Miller also use their wealth politically to influence the legislation. For example, they supported Barack Obama and Joe Biden in their election campaign and used their money to bring the Democrats to power in the state of Colorado. Both Obama and Biden were then strongly committed to improving LGBTQ rights as US presidents. The revelations of the High Grade Freemason Gioele Magaldi are very revealing in this context. According to those revelations, both presidents were elevated to office by the original lodges of the High Grade Freemasons and even admitted to the “MAAT” super lodge. Tim Gill thus proved to be a supporter of the High Grade Freemasons and the closely intertwined financial elite, such as Rothschild, Rockefeller and Co.

1.2 The Stryker family:
The Stryker family is one of the most influential families in the USA, with an estimated fortune of around 15.9 billion US dollars. They made a significant contribution to the most explosive development of the LGBTQ movement. Ronda Stryker, for example, donated 30 million US dollars to LGBTQ scholarship programs. Her sister Pat Stryker worked closely with Tim Gill, as she supports his political campaigns and the Gill Foundation. Her brother Jon Stryker, homosexual himself, founded the Arcus Foundation in 2000, which has developed into one of the world’s leading LGBTQ lobby organizations. According to Jennifer Bilek, the Arcus Foundation, along with the Gill Foundation, used millions of dollars to infuse every sector of society with gender ideology. In this context, she speaks of a huge global network, and that all the threads come together at Arcus: For example, Arcus funds flow into the LGBTI Core Group [LGBTI = i.e. short for all genders, gender identities and sexual orientations deviating from bisexual and heterosexual norms] of the United Nations, which the EU and 42 countries belong to. Through these in turn, the UN Human Rights Commission and international organizations such as OutRight Action International are financed by Arcus. Arcus also organizes international meetings and leadership programs through the Arcus Operating Foundation, such as the conference at the Rockefeller Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy in 2008. 29 international heads of state and government pledged there to expand global support for the LGBTQ movement and promote their rights. Thus, global political support for the transgender ideology was created and ensured to spread worldwide! In addition, Arcus directly supports many transgender organizations. These include, for example, the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union], the Transgender Law Center, Human Rights Watch, GATE [Global Action for Trans Equality], the Council for Global Equality, Amnesty International, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation [HRC], Planned Parenthood of America [PPFA], etc.

Obviously Arcus also worked closely with the NoVo Foundation of Peter Buffet, Warren Buffet’s son, and appointed Adrian Coman as Director of the Arcus Foundation’s International Human Rights Program in 2013. Coman was previously Acting Director of the Baltic-American Partnership Fund of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. This shows that the Stryker family and the Arcus Foundation are part of the global network of major string-pullers.

1.3 George Soros
The fact that global strategist George Soros also supports and promotes the LGBTQ movement with millions of dollars is just one side of his global influence. In the program “George Soros – The Global Strategist’s Network Revealed”, it is obvious that Soros is one of the very big global masterminds whose goal is to establish a dictatorial world domination. []. He is not only a member of one of the world’s most powerful think tanks, the Council on Foreign Relations, but also one of the founders and main financiers of its European offshoot, the European Council on Foreign Relations. In addition, the Open Society Foundations, which he founded, influences politics, the media and education worldwide. Knowing the roots of Soros, this huge influence is anything but surprising. According to the German-American economic researcher and historian F. William Engdahl, Soros received the “seed capital” for his overnight rise from none other than the British Rothschild bankers and their circles. This was the beginning of a close business relationship and collaboration with the Rothschilds lasting for more than 40 years. The Rothschilds are known to be among the top global masterminds and the highest-ranking high-grade Freemasons worldwide.

1.4 Peter Buffet and Warren Buffet
According to Jennifer Bilek, millions of dollars also flow into the transgender movement from Warren Buffet and his son Peter Buffet. However, this again is not done directly, but disguised via foundations. Warren Buffet, for example, transferred millions of dollars to the NoVo Foundation. In 2015, Peter Buffet and the Arcus Foundation then used this to launch a global trans initiative worth at least 20 million US dollars. Warren Buffet is one of the richest people in the world with a fortune of around 121.6 billion US dollars. He is a high degree Freemason and a member of four powerful original lodges:
● Original lodge “Maat”; its members include Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, amongst others.
● Original lodge “EDMUND BURKE”; its members, amongst others, include Nathaniel Rothschild and David Cameron, the former Prime Minister and current Foreign Secretary of England. Lord Jacob Rothschild, who has since died, was also a member of this original lodge.
● Original lodge “Three Eyes”: One of the world's most powerful original lodges. Its members include Edmond de Rothschild, Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, the late Henry Kissinger and Lord Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild.
● Original lodge “Atlantis Aletheia”: Members include Nicolas Sarkozy and Olaf Scholz.

The designated members alone show that Buffet belongs to the innermost circle of these global masterminds.

1.5 Ise Bosch
Ise Bosch, the co-heiress of the Bosch fortune, is founder and managing director of the Dreilinden Foundation, campaigning for the rights of LGBTQ people. At the 2008 meeting in Bellagio organized by the Arcus Foundation, she was instrumental in winning the support of 29 heads of state and government for the LGBTQ movement. In this context, the interdependencies of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, through which the Bosch assets are managed, are significant. Robert Bosch Stiftung works together with the Open Society Foundations of George Soros and is one of the major donors of Chatham House. Chatham House in turn, is one of the world’s leading think tanks, it is closely linked to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the financial elite. All the activities of Chatham House, for example, are largely determined by the Rothschild family. It can therefore be assumed Ise Bosch’s commitment to be in line with the goals of these elites.

1.6 The Pritzker family
According to Jennifer Bilek, members of the Pritzker family are one of the strongest driving forces of the transgender agenda. This family is one of the richest in the USA, with an estimated fortune of around 43.1 billion US dollars in 2024. The Pritzkers have also skillfully invested hundreds of millions of dollars to influence education, medicine, culture, the military, and even the legal system in order to push transgender forwards.

Jennifer Pritzker, who was born James, is primarily responsible for the rapid development of transgender medicine and surgery. She specifically finances hospitals, universities, military academies and even renowned doctors and professors who subscribe to transgender ideology, so that transgender not only infiltrates medicine but also psychiatry. Money was used to buy scientific and medical credibility, so to speak. So, Transgender Medical centers were established and even won a chair at the University of Victoria in British Columbia. Through the Tawani Foundation, which she founded, she also supports other influential LGBTQ institutions, while investing in specialized medical technology companies that will benefit from the growing transgender market in medicine.

Penny Pritzker had a significant influence on Obama’s election as President of the USA. She became US Secretary of Commerce under Obama and contributed to the fact that transgender rights were strengthened like never before under the presidency of this high-ranking Freemason. Through the Pritzker Traubert Foundation, she also has a singular influence on universities, particularly at Harvard University which is known for an extreme form of gender ideology, which is obviously intended to shape the future elite. Penny Pritzker's connections are interesting in this context: She is currently on the board of the leading technology company Microsoft, which was founded and developed by the High Degree Freemason Bill Gates [original lodge “Compass Star-Rose/Rosa-Stella Ventorum”]. Penny is also a member of the Aspen Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), two of the most influential think tanks in the world. The CFR was founded at the instigation of Lord Rothschild and financed by Rockefeller and other Wall Street bankers. According to William Engdahl, Robert O. Anderson, a close friend of Rockefeller, initially took over the chairmanship and financial patronage of the Aspen Institute. As already mentioned, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are at the top of global High Grade Freemasonry.

J.B. [Jay Robert] Pritzker has been governor of the US state of Illinois since 2019. He was also one of those who supported the election campaigns of the High Degree Freemasons Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Pritzker established transgender in Illinois schools and created a state program to promote gender-affirming surgeries. In 2021, he even signed a new sex education law for all public schools in Illinois. The children have since been taught about gender ideology and the medical manipulation of gender. At the same time, he is also a venture capitalist and investor in medical technology companies, in order to benefit financially from the growing market for transgender medicine, just like Jennifer Pritzker.

1.7 Martine Rothblatt
Martine Rothblatt is an extremely skilled transgender lawyer and entrepreneur who is widely responsible for the rise of transgender ideology. She drafted the International Bill of Gender Rights (IBGR) and was a member of the team of experts that drew the international human rights guidelines, the Yogyakarta Principles. Although these are no laws, they are applied as such and form the international legal framework for transgender ideology. The medical corrections or “optimizations” in humans as part of this ideology represent however for Rothblatt, only the first step towards a completely new definition of being human – transhumanism. The use of technological processes and the resulting fusion of man and machine is intended to further “optimize” the human being in order to ultimately overcome all human limits. Rothblatt is thus in line with the agenda of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). This openly propagates transhumanism with the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The WEF is a platform of global strategists founded by the highest-grade Masonic financial elite, such as the Rothschilds or the Rockefeller dynasty.

2. The transgender network at a glance:
According to the exposed contexts, transgender ideology is not a movement of the people. Thanks to Jennifer Bilek’s extensive research, it becomes clear that there are billionaires in the background, who have used their money and influence to infiltrate all areas of society and politics and pressure them according to their goals. Closer examination reveals that many are linked to the Masonic global strategists or that they support their agenda.

Tim Gill, for example, supported the High Degree Freemasons Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who were elevated to office by the Super Lodges of the High Degree Freemasons. Joe Stryker’s Arcus Foundation partnered with Peter Buffet’s Novo Foundation and appointed a leading director of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as a director of the Arcus Foundation. This makes clear that the Strykers, with the Arcus Foundation, are also part of the global network of major masterminds. George Soros himself is one of them and collaborates closely with the House of Rothschild. Peter Buffet owes his influence to the money and connections of his father Warren Buffet, who is a high degree freemason in four original lodges and must therefore be assigned to the innermost circle of these global masterminds. Ise Bosch appears to have a similar approach. Here, the Robert Bosch Foundation works together with George Soros' Open Society Foundations and is a major donor to Chatham House, which activities are controlled by the Rothschilds. Among the Pritzker family, Penny Pritzker stands out as a member of the Aspen Institute and the CFR, proves to be part of the Rothschilds’ and Rockefellers’ network. J.B. Pritzker in turn supported the High Degree Freemasons Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in their election campaign. Finally, Martine Rothblatt, one of the spiritual fathers of transgender ideology, is aligned in her vision of future humanity with the WEF, a platform of global strategists founded by the highest-grade Masonic financial elite.

If you summarize all these connections, it becomes clear that: Transgender ideology is not a movement from the population coming out of the blue, but quite obviously the work of high-grade Freemasons and the global financial elite who is closely intertwined with them.

3. The global network of High Degree Freemasons
Since the High Degree Freemasons are obviously the masterminds behind the transgender agenda, it is not surprising that this agenda is also being pushed by all the international Masonic organizations such as the UN, the EU or the WHO. []. The World Economic Forum [WEF] also plays an important role here. Fabrice Houdart and Todd [G.] Sears, leading and highly influential heads of the international LGBTQ movement are among the WEF’s “Agenda Contributors” [supporters of the WEF’s agenda]. Larry Fink is also an “Agenda Contributor” to the WEF. He is a Freemason of the highest degree and a member of six powerful original lodges as well as founder and chairman of the world’s largest asset management company, BlackRock which manages, in particular, the assets of the super-rich and owes its rise to the Rothschilds. BlackRock, together with asset manager Vanguard, has a major influence on almost all multinational corporations that are also members of the WEF through its shareholdings. It is therefore not surprising that, according to Jennifer Bilek, the major international financial institutions and financial service providers, international corporations, pharmaceutical and tech giants, even international law firms and news agencies are spreading and promoting transgender ideology. Here a few examples:

● Financial institutions: Bank of America, US Bank, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Citigroup, etc.
● Financial service provider: Visa, PayPal, Mastercard
● Pharmaceutical giants: Johnson& Johnson, Pfizer, Janssen Therapeutics, Viiv, Abbott Laboratories,Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
● Tech giants: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, Dell, IBM, Apple, Facebook, ebay and Netflix
● International law firms: Hogan Lovells, Dentons and Nextlaw
● International news agencies: Thomson Reuters Foundation and the Associated Press

4. Transgender: the octopus becomes visible!
The secret society of High Grade Freemasons is obviously clearly pulling its strings in its global network to enforce transgender ideology worldwide. Comparable to the tentacles of the octopus, the individual spheres of power work together to trap its victim humanity, in this ideology. It is clear to see how the legal system, politics and the media are controlled and being designed, how education, culture and medicine are abused and how the power of finance and business is used, to enforce the narrative of free gender choice in the name of human rights, free self-determination and even the best interests of the child! Millions of children have already become victims of this dangerous indoctrination. They are losing all sense of direction and suffer injuries that literally ruin their lives. People are plunged into even more confusion, division and misery, this way, while the super-rich line their pockets. A financial analysis by “Global Market Insights” describes the gender reassignment market as a very good investment and expects annual growth rates up to 25% until 2026.

5. Transgender in context to the global strategists’ planning
The profit from transgender medicine, however, might probably be only a side issue for the billionaire masterminds. The declared aim of the High Grade Freemasons is to build a new world order in which the freedoms of the individual are curtailed and all power will be concentrated in the hands of a small elite. According to Dr. John Coleman, a former employee of the British secret service MI6, these masterminds see the formerly high moral and traditional values of the Western world as the main obstacle to the establishment of their new world order. Therefore, the moral decline and progressive dissolution of all traditional values, such as through the sexual revolution, the rise of the gay and lesbian movement, and so on, is said to be the result of a carefully developed plan to weaken society. It has been financed by Rothschild and Rockefeller in order to create an uprooted, unstable and thus easily controllable and manageable humanity. Exactly this would also probably be the result of transgender ideology.

If one also considers that transgender is seen by global strategists as an intermediate step towards transhumanism, in other words, the fusion of man and machine, the circle is complete. Humans are to degenerate into weak-willed and possibly AI-controlled beings, ideal subjects for the high-grade Freemasons.

But according to the Dutch theologian and historian Robin de Ruiter, the Masonic financial elite, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, for example, are deeply involved in Satanism, and the real goal of transgender ideology and transhumanism becomes recognizable: It is a war in the favor of Lucifer, who is worshipped in Satanism as Baphomet – i.e. as a devilish hybrid being between man and woman – and it is a war against the human race! Everything that is precious, glorious and unique about the human race, everything that gives it support and resilience, love, empathy and heart, their free will and spirituality etc. are to be destroyed. Therefore it is time now that this truly diabolical agenda needs to be stopped!

If you are also one of those who do not want to live in such a world, help make the perpetrators of this new ideology and their dark plans known everywhere!

from hag.
Transgender movement

Trans advertising in public broadcasting

Transgender as a splitting wedge/ censorship

Jennifer Bilek

Tim Gill

Barak Obama + Joe Biden – Chess piece of the high-ranking Freemasons
(Seite 103)

Buch „Superlogen regieren die Welt Nr.10“ von Johannes Rotkranz, Seite 602

Stryker family

Influence of the Arcus Foundation

Bellagio meetings

Adrian Coman

George Soros

Buch: Die Denkfabriken von William Engdahl, Seiten 146–147

Peter and Warren Buffet

Buch „Superlogen regieren die Welt“ Teil 12 von Johannes Rothkranz, Seite 783

Members of the Freemason ancient lodges
Buch „Superlogen regieren die Welt“ Teil 12 von Johannes Rothkranz, Seite 780–802

Alfalfa Club

David Marc Rubenstein
Buch „Superlogen regieren die Welt“ Teil 12 von Johannes Rothkranz, Seite 797

Johannes Rothkranz

Ise Bosch

Robert Bosch Foundation

Buch: Die Denkfabriken von William Engdahl, Seiten 136–143

Pritzker family

Tawani Foundation

Aspen Institute

Buch „Die Denkfabriken“ von William Engdahl, Seite 79–88

Buch „Die Denkfabriken“ von William Engdahl, Seite 134

Drummond McGavin Pike – Tides Foundation

Martine Rothblatt – Transhumanism and WEF


Freemasons, NGO, banks and corporations

News agencies behind transgender


International law firms and transgender

Big Pharma and Big Tech behind transgender

The business of transsexuality

Goals of the high-ranking Freemasons and the sexual revolution

Buch von John Coleman: „Das Tavistock Institut – Auftrag: Manipulation“, J.K. Fischer-Verlag

High-ranking Freemasonry financial elite + Satanism

Rothschilds + Satanism

Robin de Ruiter

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