S4E93 | Grey - GATE, Mind Files, & the Occult Foundations of the Industrialized Brainwashing Machine

2 months ago

I know you will all be just as excited as I am to have back on the show one of our most requested and beloved guests: Top tier MONARCH operator and whistleblower, Founder of ‘Organize Safety’, podcast host of ‘The Grey Area’, anti-child abuse and survivor advocate, former GATE kid, all around badass warrior, and the absolute love of my life: Grey!

A little bit about Grey if you’re new here or missed his first episode where he shared his harrowing and inspiring testimony: Grey was born in New York into a multi-generational occult bloodline family and from a very young age, was groomed and programmed by his family, family acquaintances, and eventually the government and military to become a top tier skilled assassin and operator through MONARCH and other mind control experimentation projects funded by the CIA. After a traumatic event occurred when he was 8, his family relocated from New York to Tennessee where his abuse continued unbeknownst to him, and It wouldn’t be until Grey was 25 that the two paths of the double life he was living would violently and suddenly collide, revealing every repressed memory from a tortured, painful, and horrific past. As his programming shattered, so did his life. Grey found himself facing time in prison after staged imprisonment charges were dropped on him, and at the same time, his family and loved ones were attacked and tortured as collateral damage to his awakening and first attempt at blowing the whistle on what his memories revealed. After working behind te scenes for over a decade, Grey decided to once again go public a year ago and has touched the hearts and minds of thousands through his whistleblowing journey and through the roll-out of Organize Safety, which is a revolutionary way to corroborate and cross-reference anonymous or public tips regarding perpetrators, abuse locations, and events.

I highly recommend checking out Grey’s incredible testimony along with the Ubermensch panel episodes we did with badass warriors and fellow whistleblowers, Carrie Olaje and Nathan Reynolds. You can also check out Grey on YouTube @The Grey Area and listen to the extended version of his testimony. I’ll have his playlist on ‘The Imagination’ as well as the link to his YouTube channel in the show notes for you all to check out!

Today, Grey is back for Part 2 of an episode series we started a couple months ago on gifted and talented programs and their relationships to the CIA, NDEA and MK ULTRA. Unbeknownst to most, MK ULTRA was right in our face within our school systems as GATE, TAG and other gifted and talented programs were rolled out and marketed to parents as a prestigious educational opportunity for their children who were recognized as having attributes such as a high IQ and heightened spiritual gifts - and what we found out on Pt 1 is that these programs that appear benign are actually a sinister way for the CIA to scout for gifted children to place in MK ULTRA and related experimental programs while portraying them as benevolent. A commonality of MK ULTRA and SRA survivors that we see on ‘The Imagination’ is their placement in these gifted programs in their formative school years, and it’s a consistency of many others who were enrolled in GATE and related programs to have very little or no memory recollection of what happened to them while in these classes. Grey’s expose and insights on this topic are valuable not only because he can speak from his own personal experience, but because what he shares demands us to ask some very serious questions about our government’s access to and involvement with our children through the very schools that parents are entrusting to protect their children. On today’s episode, Grey will be introducing us to some new crucial pieces of the gifted and talented puzzle including ‘The Mind Files’, more connections to MK ULTRA and the CIA, Project Talent and Keyhole, how the Montauk Project and Indigo children fit into the equation, and much more. Grey’s sophisticated and unmatched ability to present such damning evidence and compelling research in his presentations is second to none and I ask all of you to please grab a pen and paper and give this brave warrior your full attention as we follow him further down the GATE rabbit hole!


YouTube: ​ @greyareaoperator
Twitter: @greyareamonarch - https://twitter.com/GreyAreaMonarch
Rumble: @greyareaoperator - https://rumble.com/user/GreyAreaOperator
Reddit: @greyareaoperator - https://www.reddit.com/user/GreyAreaOperator/
Substack: https://greyareaoperator.substack.com/

EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
My Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/
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All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/

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