CW4Kids May 15, 2010 Magical DoReMi S1 Ep 4 Dustin' The Old Rusty Broom

3 months ago

As she thinks about her decision, Doremi leads Aiko and Hazuki in an unknown direction. They try to ask for an explanation but she refuses, promising to tell them later. They come to the shop and neither Hazuki or Aiko can identify it. Doremi asks them to stay there before running inside, quickly updating Majorika and Lala about what happened. They begin to freak out and they spot the duo looking through the shop window at them, causing them to go into hiding before they come inside. As the curious duo look around the foreboding shop, Doremi attempts to change the subject but they aren't buying it. Lala then pops out of her hiding spot to observe the hysterical girls, and Hazuki puts two-and-two together and calls Doremi a Witch. Doremi screams but to her surprise, nothing happens. Majorika bluntly informs her that because she is an apprentice she can't change into a witch frog yet, but she will if it happens a second time. Doremi is relieved but Majorika scolds her carelessness- although she brushes her off, instead deciding to introduce the girls to Makorika and Lala. She then goes on to explain how she became an Apprentice and the girls promise not to repeat anything that they have witnessed today. Majorika doesn't trust their word, so she will just have to make them Apprentice Witch too. At first, the girls are unsure until Doremi convinces them that it would be a lot of fun, and the girls realize having magic could come in handy. Majorika has Lala grab the tap box and the girls set their things down as Doremi goes on to show them the ropes by transforming. Aiko and Hazuki are very impressed, giving Doremi an ego boost until Majorika insults her. Aiko volunteers to transform first and she gets it with no problems, but when Hazuki tries she gets flustered after her dress gets caught on her glasses, and before she can pull it down, the song ends and her uniform vanishes. Majorika complains and she tries again, this time barely managing after Doremi and Aiko step in to help her out. With that, Doremi goes on to show them how to cast magic and they summon their individual wands. Doremi remarks on how different they look from hers as Aiko makes an attempt at remembering her magic spell, but she messes up and gets something vaguely similar to what she was trying to make. She is encouraged to keep trying, but Majorika yells at her for being so wasteful with her Magic Spheres. Hazuki takes a turn and is complimented by Majorika for getting it right on her first try. An envious Doremi decides to try casting a successful spell this time, but she accidentally casts it on a suit of armor, causing it to come to life. The trio run away in fright as it chases after them with its sword, swinging it around wildly and trashing the place until they manage to make it stop. The girls begin to clean up when Lala points out that now would be a good time for the girls to learn about Forbidden Magic. She agrees and mentions the three types: Healing, Bringing the dead back to life, and Manipulation. She then brings up the exams but because of them still being so new, they're nowhere near ready to even attempt them. The girls request more Magic Spheres but Lala reveals the bag they kept them in is now empty, so they will have to wait until the next day to get more because she must wait until the Witch World portal is open. She then reveals that the girls will be working at the shop, and while Doremi still isn't keen on the idea, Aiko and Hazuki manage to get her reconsider after realizing it could be a lot of fun. Realizing how late it is the girls prepare to leave, but in the process they notice how old-fashioned the shop is. The following day the girls decide its time for a makeover. They run out to fetch supplies and explain their rejuvenation plans to Lala, expressing that its aesthetic isn't appealing to humans. They are momentary distracted when Aiko arrives flying on her broom like a pro, and when asked how she did it, she recalls the "talk" she had with it on the way over. The girls wait until Majorika leaves to get started and Lala decides to lend them a hand, wondering how Majorika will react when she returns. Besides cleaning the shop, the girls also paint it brighter colors, get rid of its dark atmosphere, make some new items for display and décor, they even come up with a brand new name. Upon finishing they head out into town to pass out fliers for the grand reopening of the Maho-do. Majorika returns soon after and is very unhappy to find the shop has been changed, and despite everyone's protest that the previous design wasn't getting her any business, she refuses to accept the changes. But when they take a vote on it she has no choice but to let the changes stick and grumpily chews out Lala for agreeing with the girls. They resume working until the sun begins to set, deciding to call it a day so that they can rest up for tomorrow.

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