Reactor Hall of Unit 2, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

8 months ago

We visit the Unit 2 reactor hall (central hall) at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in November of 2016. My video editing skills are minimal and I am slow, so for better material please visit the channel of my nuclear companion Bionerd23:
The RBMK is notable for its circular reactor lid where the control rod drive mechanisms reside and where loading and unloading of fuel occurs by means of a massive crane-mounted machine. In essence, the hall is a heavy-walled hot cell designed to shield potentially high radiation levels while fuel operations are underway. The hall also contains the short-term spent fuel storage basins, fresh fuel storage, a fuel transfer hatch to ground level, and access panels into the upper steamwater communication lines linking the reactor channels to the steam separators on either side. Unit 2 at Chernobyl has been shut down since a fire in 1991 damaged its generators and feedwater system. The reactor is defueled and dry, as are its spent fuel basins.

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