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3 months ago

Charles-Henri Gallois: "Reindustrialization is not about becoming North Korea"
A former UPR executive, Charles-Henri Gallois is now a candidate in the first constituency of Nièvre for the National Union. In his hometown of Nevers, he explains his decision to join the Union, a national priority to "deal with the most urgent".
You joined the National Rally for these early legislative elections of 2024, how did your nomination by the RN go and how did you come to join this party?
CHarles-Henri Gallois: Given the political situation, I felt obliged to act and to get involved. The political landscape means that we have the choice between three alternatives: the first is to continue for three more years with Emmanuel Macron, which would be a disaster since Macron has shown its harmfulness, its incompetence and its anti-social policy, between the pension reform, the previous unemployment insurance reform and the one that is supposed to come. When I hear the Macronists give lessons in economics, you have to know that Bruno Le Maire and Emmanuel Macron have made 1000 billion in additional debt, a record trade deficit (we are at more than 160 billion, we were at 100 billion last year, these are historical records for France), it is a poverty on the rise, Purchasing power at half-mast and immigration records with 500,000 more immigrants per year, therefore an absolute disaster. Three more years of Macron would obviously be deadly, especially since Macron is also the dissolution of France in the European Union and we see all the enlargement projects of this Union that would be a catastrophe for our compatriots.

On the other hand, you have the so-called "New Popular Front" which has a completely lunar program, moreover well inspired by the rebellious France, complacent with both Hamas and radical Islamism by clientelism. When you read their program, they propose unlimited immigration, so even worse than Emmanuel Macron. Economically they are almost proposing the end of property rights, since they explain that tenants who no longer pay their rent should no longer be evicted. If you are a tenant and rational, you will no longer pay your rent. They are also fiercely anti-nuclear, which would be a catastrophe for France and for our industry, all this in an absolutely cataclysmic economic program that proposes to raze us free of charge with 300 billion in public spending. If Emmanuel Macron had taken seven years to make 1000 billion when it had taken fifty years before him to reach such a figure, the New Popular Front would barely take three years to do the same, and in two months we would have the IMF at the gates of France.

Therefore, it seemed natural to me to help the National Rally and the National Union in general to obtain an absolute majority, because it is the only movement to have a program of common sense, of national sovereignty, which will make it possible to restore purchasing power to the French quickly, especially with the reduction of VAT, and a party that will act directly on immigration and security. So obviously, we had to deal with the most urgent things in the face of these two dangers and it seemed natural to me from a patriotic point of view – even if I was taking a lot of risks personally to do so – to join the National Rally for these elections and help them win.

You have become known as one of the figures imperatively calling for "Frexit" in France; this is not what the National Rally is proposing. Does it pose a problem for you to join a party that refuses your main demand?
In fact, everyone knows what I think of the European Union, everyone knows my convictions, but I want to tell you that this is not the subject of this election. We are no longer in the European elections, and it will not have escaped your notice that in order to hold a referendum on membership of the European Union, you need the presidential initiative, and Emmanuel Macron is still President of the Republic. The objective of these elections is to save France, and that's why I'm committed. We are not yet at the stage of these questions, and we must deal with the most urgent ones. You can have pure hands by having no hands at all, but I have decided to invest myself in facing the dangers I have described to you, and I think that the National Rally has the most credible program at the moment.

Your trademark is the subject of French sovereignty: is this a subject that you would like to bring to the National Assembly, and how?
Of course, it must be defended in all directions, from an industrial, energy, migratory point of view... On this the RN is quite clear. Restoring a national price for electricity has nothing to do with the European treaties, it can be done overnight, coupled with the reduction of VAT; we can reduce electricity bills by nearly 40% for the French. For companies, this would be a significant relief. The National Rally has also been pro-nuclear for years, we will be able to restart power plants, which would be a godsend both for our energy sovereignty and for reindustrialization.

In addition, the RN has always advocated a form of economic protectionism, in relation to unlimited free trade agreements, especially agricultural ones. The next one that hangs in our faces, with MERCOSUR, is a real challenge and of course if we still have a majority in the Assembly it will not be the same to safeguard our agriculture as to still have the current Macronist majority. I think that the RN has always positioned itself as a sovereignist from these points of view.

If you could put forward a bill during the next term of office, what would it be?
I think I will start by restoring a national price for electricity, and in the same vein, re-establishing a programme for the construction of nuclear power plants and reindustrialisation. Reindustrialization is not about becoming North Korea like the caricature that is made of us, it is about re-establishing customs duties sector by sector, this is what we call intelligent protectionism, which has nothing to do with any kind of autarkyism. In the short term, we can take purchasing power measures, but in the long term, we can only achieve this if we reindustrialize the country, and I think that this is the key for the years to come.

The National Union is quite heterogeneous today, with liberals, populists, pro-Europeans in LR and Frexiteurs like you, what do you think brings them together?
As I said in your first question, I believe that it is the awareness of the mortal dangers for France that are the left-wing coalition and Emmanuel Macron. That's why I called in 2022 to vote for Marine Le Pen in the second round, because I was aware of the danger that was on the other side. The sincere patriots who have joined this alliance are smart enough to deal with the most urgent.

What message would you like to convey to the sovereignists, in particular
Florian Philippot, whom you supported during the European campaign, or even your former comrades in the UPR?
I want to tell them that the question of the European Union, which I share with them, is not the first issue at stake in these specific elections. I call on all voters, whether they come from the UPR, the Patriots or others, especially among the left-wing sovereignists, to become aware of these dangers weighing on the country, and if they have not run with us, let them join us at the ballot box to try to save France.
Article written by Alexandre de Galzain

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