The Spiritual Pulse of Nationalism | Satya Samvad EP 14

7 months ago

In the fourteenth episode of Satya Samvad, Dr. Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar talks about how nationalism is inherently spiritual, especially in the Bharatiya context. In a world where politics and nationalism have become uber-mechanistic and even been weaponized, it is important to understand the premise of Bharat itself and what connects us to it, for delineating what nationalism could mean for a more sustainable and Dharmic tomorrow. Luminaries like Sri Aurobindo, Acharya Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda spoke of the oneness inherent in Darshanas and Indian Knowledge systems like Vedanta as the basis for bringing together the diversity that we see in Bharat. Dr. Guha Majumdar highlights verses from the Vedas to reinforce the idea that the conceptualization of national identity is inherently transcendental. The key to harnessing this thought would be to look at how this transcendentalism can help us attain balance between the universal and the contextual, the dialectic and the practical, as a nation.

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