Will the conditions be created for Archbishop Viganò to accept his election as Pope?

2 months ago

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On 20 June, the pseudo Pope Bergoglio and his sect started a criminal show trial. They are declaring so-called excommunication on Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former US nuncio, but in fact they are only expelling him from their transformed antichurch, which the Archbishop rightly considers an honour. The Church’s mainstream media, in the spirit of Bergoglio’s project of total globalization and satanization of the Catholic Church, spew lies and slander against the heroic archbishop who stood up for the teachings of Christ, that is, for the teachings of Sacred Scripture and the entire Tradition.

What is the teaching of the Church regarding a usurper of the papal office who is a manifest heretic, as we see today in Jorge Bergoglio?
The teaching of the Church is unequivocal and binds the conscience of every bishop, priest and believer who must act according to it. The Word of God states that whoever preaches any other gospel than what the apostles preached is accursed by God – anathema (Gal 1:8-9). This truth is the basis for the statements of Pope Innocent III and for Church documents such as the dogmatic bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio. Church Fathers such as St Cyprian, St Athanasius, St Augustine, or St Jerome, and Doctors of the Church such as St Francis de Sales, St Alphonsus of Liguori, or Cardinal St Robert Bellarmine, teach that a heretical pope is deposed by God. Their statements apply fully to Bergoglio! St Bellarmine writes: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.”
Based on the Holy Scriptures, the Church Fathers, and the Doctors of the Church, the 1943 interpretation of canon law by Wernz and Vidal provides the following explanation: “Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by that very fact [ipso facto] is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgement by the Church.”
According to the unchanging teaching of the Church, Bergoglio is an invalid Pope and the Catholic Church is in a state of sede vacante. This is the reality. Bergoglio excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church, not only by his public dedication to Satan in Canada, but also by issuing the motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam on 1 November 2023. Here he introduced the principle of a paradigm shift. He states that everything contrary to what he has decreed is null and void. This means that he has invalidated the Scriptures and the whole tradition of the Church.

And what did Bergoglio specifically decree?
On 18 December 2023, he decreed that one of the gravest sins, namely sodomy, was no longer a sin. He even blesses sodomy. In doing so, he has changed the essence of the doctrine, or the paradigm. By denying one of the gravest sins, for which God threatens both temporal fire (2Pe 2:6) and eternal fire (Jude 7), Bergoglio has eliminated the conditions of our salvation, namely repentance and Christ’s atoning death on the cross. Bergoglio’s teaching is no longer Catholic, but apostate. The pseudo Pope now heads the Church transformed into a New Age antichurch. The hidden transformation took place on 18 December 2023 with the release of Fiducia supplicans. Whoever inwardly submits to the false Pope also incurs God’s anathema, curse.

Why didn’t Archbishop Viganò demonstratively leave the Church immediately after its suicidal transformation on 18 December 2023?
Firstly, the transformation took place in secret, so that the Catholic public is de facto not fully aware of it yet. They would treat the Archbishop’s separation from this antichurch as a separation from the true Catholic Church.
Archbishop Viganò does not have his own diocese, and if he were to come forward as an individual, he would be vilified and morally disqualified by the false phrase that he is outside the Church. He remained in this structure in order to wage an effective struggle for faithful Catholics. He publicly declared that he did not recognize the arch-heretic as pope and that the Deep Church headed by Bergoglio had nothing to do with the Church of Christ. The current show trial imposing so-called excommunication on a Christ-devoted archbishop exposes Bergoglio and his sect as criminals. Although they themselves are under God’s anathema – curse, they issue false excommunications and invalid documents and seek to destroy the apostles of Christ. Christ speaks of such persecution of those who will keep the true faith: “They will expel you … and whoever will kill you will think he is serving God thereby.” (Jn 16:2) How is that possible? Bergoglio’s antichurch, the lamb-like beast, has deceived the public into believing it to be a divine institution, while it is fighting to the death against the Church of Christ.

Should all true Catholic bishops wait until Bergoglio intervenes against them?
Absolutely not! On the contrary, the diocesan bishops should take the chance to separate themselves and their dioceses from the Bergoglio sect as soon as possible. The more of them, the better. If they then accept a true Pope, they will save a large part of the Church. If the true Catholic obediently allow themselves to be dismissed by Bergoglio, like Bishop Strickland, and do not separate themselves and their dioceses from Bergoglio and his pseudochurch, they will lose the chance they have been given to save many. In their place, Bergoglio will install ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they will consistently transform the dioceses, down to the last believer, bringing them into full unity with Bergoglio’s antichurch, which has the spirit of antichrist. The Church of Christ will then only exist as a catacomb Church, but the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Many dioceses can still be saved today if there are brave shepherds to separate themselves and their dioceses from the Bergoglio sect. The problem is that one courageous bishop must take a precedent-setting step.

What about the so-called excommunicated priests led by Don Minutella?
They win by telling the truth and not keeping silent. Then they are excommunicated, so to speak, and thus move the conscience of the whole diocese. They are vilified by the apostates, but they fight on. They care for the small communities of the catacomb Church. These priests are the clear voice by which every sincere Catholic can know who is a traitor and who is faithful to Christ at this time. In fact, these priests are prophets who not only know the truth, but suffer for its sake.

What about the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate?
The Patriarchate is represented by a team of orthodox Catholic bishops living in monasteries. Less than two years before Bergoglio took office, when Benedict XVI invalidly beatified John Paul II, the Patriarchate had separated itself from the Vatican’s apostasy. John Paul II put the heresy of the Second Vatican Council into practice in Assisi (1986 and 2002), where he made a gesture placing the worship of pagan demons on a level with Christ’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross. The Patriarchate, as a prophetic voice, repeatedly, by public appeals, warned Benedict XVI not to succumb to pressure and abuse papal authority for the spiritual crime of invalid beatification. Unfortunately, Benedict XVI did succumb to the intense pressure. On the same day, the Patriarchate announced its separation from the Vatican apostasy. We were painfully aware of the plight of Benedict XVI, and we believe that he died in repentance and is saved. But unfortunately, by the act of invalid beatification, he opened the door to a curse that was literally embodied and culminated in Bergoglio.

What about the extraordinary election of Archbishop Viganò as Pope, which the Patriarchate announced?
On 14 October 2019, the Synod of eight bishops made this election in extraordinary circumstances. Archbishop Viganò has neither rejected nor accepted it yet, on the grounds that the conditions have not been created for him to accept it. There is as yet no diocese that has separated itself from Bergoglio and accepted Carlo Maria Viganò as a proper Pope. Such a diocese would set a precedent for other dioceses. This would also save the institution of the papacy, which Bergoglio and his sect are destroying.
The situation of Archbishop Viganò can be compared to that of King David, who was anointed by God but for a long time could not accept the office.

What should sincere Catholics do in this situation?
Since this is a spiritual battle for the Church and the salvation of souls, it is necessary to mobilize spiritually. The basis is an hour of prayer together in families, from 8 to 9pm. Active believers can also encourage priests and bishops by letter or e-mail to take the saving step of coming out of Bergoglio’s Babylon.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
June 24, 2024

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