Why Blame Makes Us Lame - The BIGGEST Reason You Fail

3 months ago

This is the number one reason people fail and if you watch till the end, I’ll give you a superb edge.

This might sound harsh. I’m not sharing this to hurt you – but to help you.

Short, simple, and honest. It’s blame. Blame is the most common reason people fail.

I’m a master nlp trainer and a master life coach trainer. I teach people how to coach and get the best out of people. My coaches know how to get results and step one is to stop your client from blaming others or their circumstances as their prime reason for failure.

It’s getting your client to own their life and own their mistakes – I also coach. I’ve been doing that since 2002 and I’ve worked with thousands of people worldwide to know that the biggest reason for people’s lack of success is Blame.

I teach coaches that “Reasons get results.” If you have a valid reason, I won’t say a good reason as many reasons are far from good. But if you have a valid reason for getting a result, you will get that result.
If your result is to blame, then all your getting is a list of excuses for not succeeding.

I know that blaming others can take away the pain of failure – but it’s short-term gain for long-term pain. At some level, we all know that when we blame, we’re being cowardly. Worse, we’re falling into a Victim archetype and when our identity turns to victim, we unconsciously seek out bullies and predators to prove we’re right. This often leads us to use sadness as a tool for others to feel sorry for us.

In #thematrix we know there was a blue pill to keep Neo, @keanureeves3590 character in his current reality. Then there was a red pill to see a new reality. But the pill they never mentioned was the big fat pill that is sometimes hard to swallow – it’s the Ownership pill. It’s owning your mistakes. It’s owning your thoughts, your words, your actions and your non actions.

If you haven’t worked it out already, humanity is fighting a war right now, to own our #consciousness . There are more distractions than ever before. There are more things that you can blame for not achieving. There is more need than ever before to completely own your life. Too many people are unconscious and without any idea of why their lives have come to this very moment.

A little while ago I worked with @NathanSegal who by his own admission was a victim. Removing #blame from his life made the biggest difference of all.

The problem with blame is this. People with blame have justified in their minds, a valid reason for their lack of money, their lack of success – their lacking circumstances or others who you believe have stopped you from achieving success. That’s the very reason you’re not getting what you want.

Any minute you focus on any reason for not getting what you want from life is a wasted minute. Instead, take ownership for all your mistakes and muckups and work to improve on those mistakes. Focus on fixing your mistakes instead of blaming others for them.

I have another saying, “What you focus on expands” and if you are focusing on blaming others, then the focus is away from you and you shrink your self-esteem and instead grow all the people and things that you blame. You shrink you and grow them. Think about it this way. You’re giving all your focus, power and attention over to others and that power is coming from somewhere – and that somewhere is you. Blame erodes the power to grow your self-esteem and confidence. Blame diminishes you and a diminished you will never amount to anything. Because you need all of you to succeed.
Earlier I said that there is one thing you can do to completely own your life and your successes. That one thing is to learn to #masteryouremotions .

To do that, you must do this. You must remove every accusation of blame from your mind and your body. Stop blaming your husband, wife or your partner. Stop blaming your parents, your upbringing, your school and everyone who hurt you. Success has a price. Anything you want will require you to pay a price. The question is, are you willing to pay that price?
The best way to master your mind is to #learnnlp.

My name is @rikschnabel and full ownership of your mind, body and spirit will set you free. Start by stopping. Stop blaming others and your past and take full ownership of where you are today. Then you can start taking 100% ownership of your life. You can do it.

Want some help or would you like to talk about learning NLP? Here's where to start: https://lifebeyondlimits.com.au/help/

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