Trey Xanthean - Transmissions For Tribulation

8 months ago

Hello My Wonderful Folk!!! Here for Your Consideration is my Sixth Album.....................................................................................................
Trey Xanthean - Transmissions For Tribulation
Released on September 13th 2013. i had taken quite a bit of time away from recording and producing specifically for a Trey Xanthean Album as i was involved with a resurrected late 80's project between 2007 and 2013 and even afterword. however, the songs were written during that time line and were waiting around as i had put my Personal efforts on hold. i should say here there are a few songs that are a bit more lengthy on this one. For this Album i used Hamer, DeArmond, Jackson and ⁣Ibanez Guitars. Ibanez Bass⁣, ⁣⁣Zoom, Korg and Digitech Guitar Effects, Zoom Drum Brain, ESQ-1 ⁣Digital Synthesizer (stand alone) also utilizing Sound Fonts via Midi. ⁣Digital Recordings and Mastering done on a Zoom R8, on PC - Sonar 8, Samplitude Pro 2X... i truly hope you Enjoy this Album My Dear Brothers and Sisters! May Your God or God's richly Bless You All.
All My Love to My Folk!!! ⁣⁣

(c) 1988-2022 By Christ Records ASCAP. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission of By Christ Records And Trey Xanthean, Member ASCAP. Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by: Trey Xanthean Exclusively for By Christ Records. Unauthorized Use or Reproduction is a Violation of All National and International Copyright Laws ASCAP.
Remastered on Sonar Platinum and Studio One...(2022) .
For My People!!!
track listing...
1. Trip.0 (Remastered 2022)
2. Xspanse (Remastered 2022)
3. I Will Follow You (Remastered 2022)
4. 12-21-12 The Pit Opens (Remastered 2022)
5. Midnight Storm-Awake in a Dream (Remastered 2022)
6. Vein Glory (Remastered 2022)
7. Asgardian March (Remastered 2022)
8. ⁣Circumspect (Remastered 2022)
9. The Demon Crusher (Remastered 2022)
10. Royal Sky 2 (Remastered 2022)
11. V.H - K.L (Victory Hall - Kings Legion)

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