Novena for Families to St Josemaria Escriva

8 months ago

Welcome to our Catholic Rumble channel! In this video, we present the "Novena for Families to St. Josemaria Escriva," a powerful prayer dedicated to the patron saint of families and founder of Opus Dei. 🌟

St. Josemaria Escriva, known for his teachings on the sanctity of ordinary life, is a beacon of hope and intercession for families worldwide. This novena seeks his guidance and blessings for families, helping them to grow in love, unity, and faith. 📖

Our video features this heartfelt novena prayer set to the serene and timeless sounds of Gregorian chant. 🌹 The beautiful melodies of Gregorian chant elevate the prayer experience, creating a sacred and contemplative atmosphere that draws you closer to God. This combination of prayer and music offers a moment of peace and reflection, inspiring families to deepen their bonds and live out their faith with greater devotion.

Whether you are seeking to strengthen family ties, overcome challenges, or simply grow in faith together, this novena is a powerful tool for spiritual enrichment and renewal. Join us in reciting this novena and let the uplifting Gregorian chant guide your soul. 🕊️

Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring prayers and sacred music. Unite with us in this spiritual journey and discover the strength and peace that come from a family rooted in faith.

3:30 What is a novena?
4:17 Day 1 - Marriage, a Divine Vocation
6:53 Day 2 - Marriage, a way to holiness
9:28 Day 3 - Christian Love
12:04 Day 4 - The love of each day
14:39 Day 5 - Bright and cheerful homes
17:14 Day 6 - With God’s help, overcome the crises and difficulties of married life
20:01 Day 7 - Cooperating with God
22:36 Day 8 - Educating the Children
25:33 Day 9 - God in the Home

#StJosemariaEscriva #NovenaForFamilies #gregorianchant #catholicfaith #familyprayer #catholicprayer #sacredmusic #faithjourney #spiritualgrowth #christianlife #holyinspiration

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