The Return of the Guardian Sword (Sun Sword)

7 months ago

Matthew 10:34
Amos 9
Genesis 3:24

The return of the Messiah the one who comes in the name of the Most High, Ahayah. In the Great Tribulation what he brings is a testament of his authority and also scriptural possessions. In this case "Guardian" the sun sword.

I am amazed that of all Biblical narratives presented "Guardian" gets no mention. Not even from those who claim they have some special pipeline to the Messiah. I always find it comical the limited kingdom of heaven information they dare speak in truth.

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Ever since those words have been uttered. All non participants have in many cases sealed their fate. The more they resist the simplicity of the gospel of the kingdom the greater their damage and conclusion.

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