Do You See What I See? 2024.

3 months ago

Biden Inauguration Day 20th January 2021.
Trump moves out of the Whitehouse.

+ 666 Days = (84 Weeks + 2 Months 16 Days) = Obama born 8.4. The 216th Day of the year. 6x6x6.

= Trump announces from Mar a Lago. 15th November 2022 that he is running for the Presidency in 2024 Election.

+ 80 Weeks 4 days (84) = Obama Agenda....

= Trump found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records on 30th May 2024 by NYC Manhattan court.

Revelation chapter 1 vs 1.

+ 216th Verse = Revelation 13:5 (The last 42 months Great Tribulation)

+ 8 Verses + 4 Verses = Revelation 13:18 = The 666 man.

20th January 2017. Obama moves out of the Whitehouse and Trump moves in.
Same Day Movie Split releases in USA.
"The world will understand now" "The Beast is Real"

Kevin, Barry, The Beast 24th Personality. Obama's spokesperson post 20.2.2017 was a guy called Kevin.

Obama's real name is Barry.

The Beast unleashed in 2024???

New Years Day. 1.1.2000 (New Century)

+ 18 Years (216 Months)
+ 7 Years (84 Months)

= January 2025. 20th January 2025 Inauguration Day.

Obama has been out of office officially.

2017 - 2021 = 4 Years Trump. (4)

2021 - 2025 = 4 Years Biden. (8th Year) out of office.

Thursday 27th June 2024. 1st Debate Biden vs Trump.

+ 4 Months 8 Days (48)

= Election Day 5th November 2024.

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= 2nd and final debate 10th September 2024. Trump vs ???

Bible counts.

That Man of Sin. The Son Of Perdition. That Antichrist shall come.

Obama born 4th August (8.4) or (4.8) The 666 Man.

All coming into the month of January 2025. Wow.

U tube: They Live movie clip. 2025....

Count. Rev 13:18. Wisdom/Understanding.

84 Chapters. Matthew Chapter 1 - John Chapter 17. The Son of Perdition. 1st of Two mentions. This one being about Judas Iscariot.

+ 19 Chapters + 61 Chapters. Obama born 1961.

+ 66 Chapters = 1st John. That Antichrist shall come. 4 Mentions of Antichrist.

+ 6 Chapters = 2nd John. Last of 4 Mentions of Antichrist.

Start again from John Chapter 17. 84 Chapters in from Matthew chapter 1 vs 1.
Judas Iscariot "The Son Of Perdition"

+ 106 Chapters = (61) Obama born 61.

= 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2.

"That Man of Sin" 1 Mention.
"The Son of Perdition" Second and final Mention.

+ 48 Chapters (Obama born 4.8)

= 2nd John (One chapter) Last mention of ANTICHRIST)

I REST MY CASE........

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