Kenya's Dictator: The rise of Ruto

8 months ago

A new Dictator has been born in Kenya. He has aligned himself with President Biden, the Cabal, and the criminal IMF to enslave the Kenyan people. Kenya was doing business with the Chinese without condition. Ruto comes to power and the next stop is Washington to meet Biden to be bribed to send Kenyans Police to fight American wars in Haiti. Immediately the IMF imposes strict conditions on Kenya to borrow money. They went to the extend of writing a Finance Bill for him to present to Parliament for passage where taxes were increase on everything including baby food, diapers, and women sanitary towels. What kind of a human being can increase prices of sanitary towels/parts for women 100%? Even the devil knows women needs those towels to walk around cleanly. But to Ruto and the IMF, this is a place to make money on suffering poor Africans. Ruto must be removed from power ASAP. I can't believe he doesn't know the Biden he talks to is a Clone. I think the Cabal may have switched him to a Clone too. Ruto looks different nowadays.

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