8 months ago

Posted June 28, 2024
Metanonia Films
MIrrored From:
Page Chronicles - TRUTH Will Prevail
Source: 👉
'Shining a Light on Black Operations.' | ( ) | This 5-part documentary is a great expose of the national surveillance state that has arisen over the last 50-100 years. Manipulating elections, overthrowing foreign governments, and secret assassinations are just a few of the heinous acts committed in the name of national security. Now that Edward Snowden has blown the lid off of the NSA's Prism snooping program, this film series is even more important and relevant.
🕞▸ 0:00:00 ➤ Part 1: Company | This first episode lays out the structure of the modern intelligence agency, using the evolution of the CIA and the creation of the concept of 'plausible deniability' to show how the continued rapacious spread of the clandestine National Security State has been built up over time, to the complex network it is today. Examples of previous operations by secret agencies show election tampering; assassinations; the setting up of NGOs and front companies for 'economic hit-men'; the creation of mercenary groups and paramilitaries; the clandestine modern military-intelligence bureaucracy, including JSOC and NSA; as well as illustrating the emergence of The Panopticon--the vast National Security surveillance network. This network is more powerful than even governments--with examples in Australia showing how Gough Whitlam is expelled for wanting to shut down Pine Gap and other top secret US military bases...
🕞▸ 1:18:33 ➤ Part 2: The Deep State | For the first time during the Iran-Contra scandal, Americans get a look at the secret programs and operations of their government. Other topics include Watergate and the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is essentially a massive coverup that allows criminal syndicates to generate massive profits and commit acts of murder and bribery with impunity throughout the United States and South America.
🕞▸ 2:43:57 ➤ Part 3: Strategy of Tension | The Strategy of Tension examines the history of false flag operations used for war, propaganda, and psychological operations—or ‘psyops’. Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio are examples used to illustrate the nature of clandestine operation planning and execution; as well as shedding light on the intent and extent to which the National Security apparatus manipulates events and manufactures outcomes to suit its goals. This program also looks at the issues that spin-off from the history of false flag operations—such as how conspiracy theories are used to discredit inquiry and investigative journalism; and also how the cultural preconditions around dismissing false flag operations serve to protect their continuation and ‘plausible deniability’.
🕞▸ 3:39:06 ➤ Part 4: Necrophilous | An examination of torture, war crimes, and abuse of authority during protests and war. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay Cuba shed light on the US security state's attitudes towards those who resist (or are accused of resisting) the American Empire's attempt at global hegemony. Islamophobia -- largely a construct of media propaganda -- is the driving force behind America's lust for war in the Middle East and Americans' tolerance for crimes against humanity and "collateral damage".
🕞▸ 4:29:09 ➤ Part 5: Drone Nation | After President Obama signed the 2011 NDAA, the US government was allowed to kidnap and detain its citizens without any warning or notification. A simple accusation of "terrorism" is all that is needed to murder innocents with drones from command centers thousands of miles away. Whatever your opinion of Anwar al Awlaki, his 2011 murder by a drone strike, and subsequent lack of outrage, sets a dangerous precedent for Americans' liberty and security from
its government.
Counter Intelligence source/Mirrors:
(Part I ) | The Company 👉
(Part II ) | THE DEEP STATE 👉 (📌Note: Episode censored on Youtube!!!)
(Part III) | The Strategy of Tension 👉
(Part IV) | Necrophilous 👉
( Part V) | Drone Nation 👉
Source: 👉

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