JFK Jr. Is ALIVE! John F. Kennedy Jr. aka David Quigley & Dr. Kia Pruitt LIVE Interview

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Join Dr. Kia Pruitt & JFK Jr. LIVE, tonight, Friday, June 28th at 9 PM EST on Rumble and Youtube.
Share this video. Get the truth out to the world! Dr. Kia Pruitt interviews the REAL JFK Jr who was put into witness protection, but then kidnapped, abused, put through MK ULTRA mind control programs and held captive. He has suffered a lifetime of pain, poverty and distress, because the deep-state cabal who controls and runs the US government and governments around the world wanted to steal his wealth, legacy and prevent the American people from our sovereignty. He has arisen from the shadows to tell his truth, so that we can know just how evil our government truly is!

Buy John F. Kennedy's book, "Stolen Identity" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Stolen-Identity-Unveiling-Real-Kennedy/dp/B0CMMJ7GXB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=WTM6QTU5FIDL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.P6lin80fjpFktBzbJvxCjR5sKpLCyfzh52sqKrnGuaHGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.Ko8MFVE2XKuU3jspSUes4GNWVbEHzTLzxwz5sk6PBak&dib_tag=se&keywords=stolen+identity+unveiling+the+real+john+kennedy+jr&qid=1719924423&sprefix=stolen+ident%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-1

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