Why Do You Need To Be Saved? Because Hell is a very real place.

7 months ago

We have all broken the 10 commandments and are worthy of the second death.

Separation from God eternally because he is Righteous and Holy.

The wages of sin is death.

Then Hell then the Lake of Fire.

That sin (breaking the law) is so grievous that God the Father sent his only Begotten Son who KNEW NO SIN to Die a Horrible excruciating death by crucifixion to pay your fine, pardon you of all wrongdoing, our Rebellion, Disobedience, which is Sin.

Why? To grant you, offer you eternal life (FREEDOM) for ever more.

That is Grace. That it cost Jesus his very life. But he took it up again and showed he is God and Sin could (ours) could not hold him down for He is Risen.

Will you Rise or Fall on the Day of Judgment of your Soul?

For the soul that sins dies.

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his eternal Soul?

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