Julian’s FREE! American Tradition w/ Jesse Jett Live Performances Clip Show

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Julian Assange is a free man!!! Celebrating with a collection of spoken word and signs from clips of Jesse Jett’s from the past 2+ years of the show.
All are EXCLUSIVE INN clips from LIVE American Tradition performances by Jesse Jett, originals available for download at https://jessejett.bandcamp.com.

Set List:
-Conviction: Winter in Belmarsh (Ep 12)
-Barack Ofuckingbama (Ep 3)
-(REDACTED) (Ep 4)
-A Stroll Through the Ruins (Ep 9)
-Apple Model III Slave Collar (Ep 11)
-Militia Intent (Ep 19)
-Powerless (Ep 22)
-Reade: Between the Lines (Ep 22)
-Love Your Prison (Ep 23)
-Half Dollar (Ep 23)
-American Tradition (Ep 23)
-Superstarver (Ep 24)
-Echosphere (Ep 28)
-The Dust of Better Days (Ep 28)
-Better the (CENSORED) You Know (Ep 31)
-Redpilled (Ep 32)
-Back the Other Way (Ep 39)
-American Heritage (ep 40)
-Conviction: Winter in Belmarsh (Ep 22)

American Tradition is an INN Exclusive show starring Jesse Jett and his unique brand of musical, lyrical, spoken word & writing talent. Co-host Indie will help break the lyrics down & engage with chat.

American Tradition, now on Spotify & Apple podcasts!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Wh0Uevke3qhb57FqndSOH?si=37871966a4eb45ea
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/american-tradition-with-jesse-jett-exclusively-on-indie-news-network/id1712142562
Playlist of all American Tradition episodes, exclusively on INN:
Playlist of assorted Jesse clips/songs/appearances

Follow Jesse & support his Bandcamp:

Follow Indie:
All the Links: https://linktr.ee/indleft
Substack: https://www.indiemediatoday.com

Proud members of the Indie News Network family of content creators - follow all our network channels at:

Producers: Jesse Jett & Indie
Stream Engineer: Indie
Artwork: BigMadCrab
Technical Consultant: Reef Breland
An Indie News Network Production

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