6/28/24 Lord, your prophecy has been fulfilled. ❤️

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The Joker, The Queen and The King’s Stolen Crown (Updated)
January 16, 2021 Veronika West
Latest Update (at bottom): June 13, 2024.
Greetings my Facebook family. [Facebook] Jail could not hold me for long.
Please see a powerful dream I had last night…
I share this dream as a matter of urgency…. as I believe there are powerful prophetic aspects of the dream that require immediate warfare for the pulling down of demonic thrones of darkness in this hour. Agree with me!
Grab a coffee and read!
“Joker Biden’s balancing act with The Queen of Hearts, Kamala Harris and The Stolen Crown of The King!”
Yes the title is a mouthful — but it encapsulates the essence of the dream. Bare with me!
So, last night I was woken up by a sudden jolt where my heart was racing. But as I sat up in bed, now fully awake, I began to cry out to The LORD to reveal His Heart to me concerning The Nations.
As I prayed fervently, I heard The Father whisper, ”If you ask me for bread will I give you a stone? Or if you ask me for a fish, will I give you a snake?”
As I heard The Father’s question, I immediately answered “No Father!”, and a peace filled my heart. I lay back down to sleep, and as I fell back to sleep I had a powerful dream where I found myself standing in the midst of a massive Circus Tent.
As I stood in this strange place in the dream, I could see large crowds of people sitting in the stands of the circus.
The atmosphere in the dream was filled with a great expectancy and I had a sense in the dream that I was about to watch something very significant unfold before me.
Now as I stayed waiting and watching in the dream, suddenly two bright spot-lights came on, flooding the circus arena with light. As I looked up, suddenly I saw in the distance what looked like a Throne. A beautiful gold throne which was covered in glistening red velvet.
As I drew closer in the dream to the Throne, I saw that both the arm rests and the thick legs and feet of the Throne looked like that of the ‘legs and paws of a lion’ and the four feet of the Throne which looked like the four paws of a lion held four large balls, which looked like the globe of the earth.
Now, by just looking at the Throne in the dream, I could tangibly feel both the power and the authority that the Throne represented.
Suddenly in that moment in the dream I heard these Words, ”The Throne of The Lion King!”
Now as I heard those Words, suddenly I noticed another chair which was brought to my attention in the dream.
As I looked at the other chair, I saw that it was a ‘three-legged stool’ (which looked almost like a high standing bar-stool). Now as I looked at this strange three-legged stool, I knew by revelation that this was also a ‘type of Throne’, but as I drew closer to it, I heard the Words, “Demonic throne of the darkness!”
Now as I stepped even closer towards this strange looking ‘throne’, I immediately noticed a large triangular shape engraved upon the seat of the three-legged stool and in the middle of the triangle was with an eye.
And as I looked at the triangle and the eye, I heard these Words, ”A love triangle… and the eye of Leviathan.”
As those Words echoed loudly in the spirit realm, I heard these words, ”The triangle of Obama, Biden and Harris” and then again I heard, “A love triangle and the eye of Leviathan….”
Important Note
Please keep in mind I am not speaking of flesh and blood, but rather to demonic spirits that are at work through people!
I believe here it is speaking prophetically to “a demonic threefold cord at work”. I see the spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan and Ahab.
More on this soon!
Now I knew by revelation in the dream, that what I was seeing was the ‘Throne of the One World Order’, and the ‘all-seeing eye’ that was engraved upon the seat of the three-legged stool was the eye of the dragon!
Now as I was standing looking and listening intently in the dream, suddenly the noisy crowd went completely silent (and you could have heard a pin drop).
Suddenly the atmosphere in the dream shifted and a tangible sense of The Fear of The LORD filled the Circus Tent.
Now, as I looked around about me to see what was happening, suddenly I saw a large male Lion with a dark and heavy mane walk slowly into the arena. Following closely behind him was a man who was dressed in a Purple Robe and he held in his hand what looked like a kingly Scepter.
I watched as the beautiful and majestic Lion began to walk around the borders of the arena and the man who was dressed in a kingly robe, walked towards the gold Throne.
As I stayed watching in the dream, finding it hard to take my eyes off of the Lion, I could see that the eyes of the Lion were fixed upon the King as he went and stood beside his Throne.
But as the King took his place at the Throne, suddenly the crowd began to roar with laughter and I could hear the sound of children shouting, when suddenly, a Joker/ Jester came rolling and somersaulting into the Circus Arena.
As I looked at the Joker, I saw to my astonishment that it was ‘Joe Biden’ and I heard these Words, “Joker Biden.”
As I looked at him, I saw that he was fully dressed in a strange green outfit with small bells on his shoes and bells on his hat, and as I looked again at the Joker, I heard these words in the dream, ”Watch! For now the Jokers balancing act with The Queen of Hearts and The Stolen Crown of Triumph will take place!”
Now, as those words seemed to penetrate my inner most being, I saw the Joker lift up a heavy Gold Crown into the air for the crowd to see. And as he lifted the Crown, the crowd went crazy.
I watched as the Joker began to somersault and roll around the arena with the Gold Crown in his hands and then The Joker began to run to and fro around the Circus Tent as if he was trying to find someone (the crowd was still going crazy), laughing and jeering.
Then I heard the crowd begin to shout out to the Joker, “We want The Queen of Hearts! We want The Queen of Hearts!”
Now as this is all taking place, I could still see the king standing before his Throne and the Lion was still watching the King, and walking around the borders of the arena.
But then suddenly, I see a woman run into the Circus Arena dressed like a Queen, wearing a long white dress and she was waving her hands to the crowds.
As I looked at her, I saw that it was ‘Kamala Harris’. She had two big red hearts painted upon her eyes and one red heart painted upon her mouth.
I heard these Words, “Watch, for Kamala will seek to steal the hearts of the people as she wears the Stolen Crown of the King”
As I looked at her, she began to laugh and mock the King who was standing by his Throne, and she began to mock him saying, “Look, a King without a Crown! Look, a king without a Crown!”
As she shouted those words, the crowds would roar with laughter and the Joker would hold up the Stolen Crown in his hands. But then suddenly, I watched as the Joker and The Queen of Hearts ran towards each other and the Joker handed the Gold Crown to The Queen of Hearts and she proceeded to climb upon the Jokers shoulder.
Then I heard these words, “Watch! For now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the Throne.”
As I heard those Words, I watched as the Joker tried to balance The Queen of Hearts upon his shoulders and The Queen of Hearts tried to balance the heavy Gold Crown upon her head.
I saw that in the midst of all the chaos that taking place, the King remained standing before his Throne and the Lion kept walking around the borders of the Arena.
I watched as the both the Joker and the Queen tried desperately to gain and maintain their balance as they walking together around the Arena, but I watched as their movements became more and more challenging, especially for the Joker, as the long and heavy dress of the Queen kept falling down and covering the Jokers face.
The dress blinding him and hindered him from moving forward easily. I saw that the Joker’s legs were quickly beginning to get weaker under the weight of the Queen and the heavy Gold Crown and they began to stagger across the floor of the Arena.
But as I watched this strange and almost undignified balancing act take place, I saw the Joker and The Queen of Hearts begin to make their way towards the three-legged stool/ throne.
I knew by revelation that the objective/ part of their circus act for the crowds was for the Joker and The Queen of Hearts to both sit upon the three-legged stool without falling and without dropping the Stolen Crown.
And I listened, as the crowds were screaming with delight as the Joker and The Queen of Hearts began to make their way towards the three-legged stool.
Now as they got closer and closer to the stool — which was very high — the crowds kept screaming as their anticipation grew more and more desperate for the Joker and the Queen to sit upon the three-legged throne.
But in the dream as I looked at the high three-legged stool, I knew that the Joker would have to navigate very carefully on how he was going to begin to mount the stool with the Queen upon his shoulders.
If they were going to be victorious in taking their seat upon the three-legged throne, the Joker would have to be extremely careful not to drop the Queen and the Queen would have to be extremely careful not to drop the Stolen Crown!
In the dream as I remained watching, I saw The Joker and The Queen of Hearts begin to climb up the tall three-legged stool (One World Order Throne) and I noticed immediately that the stool was extremely unstable and not very strong.
The three-legged stool had no supports. There were no arms rests and no backing on the chair. This was going to make it extremely difficult for the Joker to mount the stool with the Queen and the heavy Gold Crown balancing upon his shoulders.
I could see that the weight of it all upon his shoulders was now really beginning to bear down upon him.
But…. Ha! I watched as The Queen of Hearts began to beat down upon the head of The Joker as he struggled desperately to climb upon the stool, his legs shaking violently, looking like at any moment his knees were going to buckle underneath the both of them.
I saw The Queen of Hearts beginning to panic all the while, trying to desperately hold onto the Stolen Crown, and The Joker looking more and more exhausted as he desperately tried to stay standing.
The crowds began to scream and shout louder and louder for The Joker to get on with the climb and that he dare not drop The Queen and The Crown.
But then suddenly, I watched as both The Joker and The Queen of Hearts were able to mount the three-legged stool after all their desperate efforts.
The Queen looked somewhat relieved and The Joker looked half dead. But… no sooner had The Joker and The Queen — who was still trying to balance the heavy Crown upon her head — began to sit down upon the three-legged stool/ throne, I saw one of the legs of the stool suddenly break underneath them.
The heavy weight of The Joker and The Queen and Gold Crown was too much for the three-legged stool and I watched as The Joker and The Queen fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Suddenly the shouting, screaming crowds went deathly silent (you couldn’t hear a pin drop) and then, I saw the Gold Crown that had fallen to the ground begin to roll across the floor.
I watched and listened in the utter silence of the arena, as the Gold Crown rolled right across the floor, stopping at the feet of The King who was still standing before his Throne.
Then suddenly, I saw the Lion stop and he looked at the King, and the King looked at the Lion and then he bent down and picked up the Stolen Crown that the Joker had taken.
I watched as the King put the Crown back upon his own head.
As the Crown was laid upon the King’s head, suddenly the Lion gave out the loudest of roars that caused the ground beneath my feet to shake, and as the Lion roared, so I watched as the King sat down upon his Throne!
Suddenly I woke up from the dream and I began to write down all I had seen and heard!
I Decree: The power, fragility and illegitimate authority of the one who sits on the throne of a One World Order is no match for the Power, Stability and Governmental Authority of the One who sits on The Throne of The Lion King of kings!
* * * * * * *
Some Prophetic Insights:
“Divine Contending for the Destiny and Birthright of The Nations!”
I hear this riddle….
”What match is the power, fragility and illegitimate authority of a three-legged throne to the Power, Stability and Governmental Authority of a four legged Throne…? 4-3 My Remnant Warriors win!”
As I heard that riddle, I saw the four (4) legs of The King’s Throne and the three (3) legs of a One World Order throne and The Spirit of Revelation quickened to me these Words, ”A Divine Contending for the Birthright of The Nations is taking place!”
.As I heard those words, the number 43 was quickened to me. So I went on the hunt to search the prophetic meaning of forty three (43….)… and it powerfully confirms what I heard The Spirit say. Read below:
The number 43 is indeed the biblical number of “contention”.
The number is written in Hebrew as a mem (40) and a gimel (3). A mem means “Water,” signifying a flow of history of time. Gimel is a camel, signifying elevation or glorification to a position of authority. (Pride is its negative connotation.)
Because of this, we see the number 43 intertwined with scriptures dealing with men contending for positions of authority.
The 43rd time that Abram is mentioned in scripture is in Genesis 15:18, where God gives his descendants possession of Canaan. “To your descendants I have given this land….”
When the time came to possess it, of course, Israel had to contend for possession of the land.
Abraham is mentioned for the 43rd time in Genesis. 21:12, “Through Isaac your descendants shall be named….”
This is the divine decision after Isaac and Ishmael had contended for the birthright.
The 43rd time that Isaac is mentioned is in Genesis 26:20, where he is seen contending with the herdsmen of Gerar for the well of Esek.
“20The herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with the herdsmen of Isaac, saying, “The water is ours!” so he named the well Esek, because they contended with him. 21Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over it too, so he named it Sitnah. 22And he moved away from them there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it; so he named it Rehoboth, for he said, “At last The LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”
This is perhaps the most significant example of the number 43, showing its connection to quarreling or contention.
Isaac’s name is not mentioned for the 44th time until the contention is resolved.
The 43rd time Jerusalem is mentioned is in 2 Samuel 20:7, where David’s army went out to pursue Sheba, who was contending or quarreling with David for the throne.
In verse 18 Sheba was killed, and “Thus they ended the dispute…..”
In The New Testament, the 43rd time that Jesus’ Name is mentioned in The Book of Luke is found on the mount of transfiguration in Luke 9:33,
“33And it came about, as these were parting from him, peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” — not realizing what he was saying. 34And while he was saying this, a cloud formed and began to overshadow them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 35And a voice came out of the cloud saying, “This is my son, my chosen one; listen to him!””
In this case god disputed Peter’s proposal.
The 43rd time that Peter’s name is mentioned in The New Testament is found in Acts 5:29, where we find him contending with the High Priest, who had commanded them to stop preaching in the name of Jesus:
“but peter and the apostles answered and said, “We must obey god rather than men.””
The 43rd time that Paul’s name is mentioned is in Acts 18:9-10,
“and The Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision,“Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city.“
The topic is about the people contending with Paul over The Gospel of The Kingdom.
In Galatians 3:17 we read that it was 430 years (43 x 10) from the promise to Abraham to The Law of Moses. The promise to Abraham was really a new covenant promise that was given 430 years before The Old Covenant.
The promise came first, Paul says, in order to take precedence over The Old Covenant. The Old Covenant could not overrule the promise to Abraham, because it was given first.
Also, at the conclusion of 430 years, Moses contended with Pharaoh, and God sent 10 plagues to bring Israel out of Egypt. This was a time of great contention.
Paul mentions this time period in the context of the contention between The Old and New Covenants. The two Covenants were being disputed in Paul’s day, but Paul gives us the clear revelation that The Old Covenant could neither bring justification, nor could its adherents become inheritors.
In Galatians 4, Paul tells us that The Old Covenant and Jerusalem correspond to Hagar, while The New Covenant and the Jerusalem from above correspond to Sarah.
Those who adhere to Hagar as their “Mother” are not inheritors of The Kingdom, for they correspond allegorically to Ishmael.
The contention in Paul’s day was a repeat of the contention in the time of Abraham, between Ishmael and Isaac. This same problem has arisen in the 20th Century, because many have come to believe that Jerusalem is the “Mother” and center of The Kingdom in The Age to Come.
Likewise, they believe that Hagar’s children (Jews of Judaism) are the chosen inheritors.
Many have been fooled because they are looking at this issue from a racial position. They see Palestinians as physical Ishmaelites, and the Jews as physical descendants of Isaac. Neither is strictly true, of course, because the Palestinians are not Arabs any more than the Turks, Kurds, or Iranians are Arabs.
Likewise, Jews come from virtually all racial stocks — black Falasha Jews from Ethiopia, white Jews from Europe, Asian Jews from China and Japan, and, of course, Khazars (Turkish-Mongolian) from central Asia.
But Paul was not speaking racially in Galatians 4. He said he was “allegorically speaking” (4:24, NASB).
In this allegory, Hagar, the bondwoman, is The Old Covenant itself and corresponds to Jerusalem (4:25), which “Is in slavery with her children” (4:25) and “born after the flesh” (4:29).
This fleshly religion of Judaism also persecuted the church (“Isaac”), even as Ishmael had persecuted Isaac.
Paul was the expert on this topic, because he had been the main instigator of this persecution in his earlier days as an allegorical “Ishmaelite.” when he was converted, he changed mothers and became a citizen of the Jerusalem from above.
All of this contention is portrayed in the number 43 and 430.
It is a very important number that reveals the underlying contention between the two Covenants.
In our time, the same contention is being played out between Jerusalem and the new Jerusalem. Each city has its adherents, and each city is contending for the birthright.
Please don’t ask me to repent or recant from what I have shared above. Not now nor later!
For I do not know how or when God will do these things that He has revealed. But one thing I know, is He will do what man cannot do!
Let us pray, trust and watch for the wonder working power of the God of ‘the suddenlies’.
Post Postscript:
January 11, 2022.
Thank you to one of my Facebook friends who sent this to me. As soon as I saw it, it made me giggle, and not because I think it’s funny, rather quite the opposite.
I think it’s tragic, but I giggle, because I know who wins in the end.
”But The LORD just laughs, for He sees their day of judgment is coming.” Psalm 37:13.
Of course this “New Joe in the box depicted as a Clown, is once again a stark reminder of the powerful dream The LORD gave me.

[Original Copyright and Author unknown]
Post Post Postscript:
February 14, 2022.

This was brought to me attention yesterday by Whitney, a latest Song release from two Artists!
Whitney writes:
”Hi Veronika! My name is Whitney Meade, I follow your prophecies and I was on Instagram the other day when this promotion came up for a new Taylor Swift/Ed Sheeran song.
The name of the song is “The Joker and the Queen,” and this is a screenshot of the album artwork.
I was SHOCKED and immediately taken back to your word about Biden and Harris as the joker and the queen! I thought you might find this interesting too! ❤️❤️”
Thank you Whitney for sharing, I AGREE it’s very poignant and certainly points to things that The LORD has revealed to us.
Let’s Keep Watchful, Vigilant and Sober, always Praying in the Spirit.
Post Post Post Postscript:
April 8, 2022.
Always amazed at how The LORD confirms His Word over and over again.! Thank you friends for sending these pictures. A Circus Indeed!
The Return
May 12, 2022.
The Return of The Great Maga King and the Joker
…. Things that make you go MMMmmm!!!!
I have been inundated with pictures that speak to Prophetic Words that have been released.
Please let us keep praying and not for one moment, become passive or complacent. There is a battle raging!!

August 30, 2023.
The days are growing darker, … but a Remnant is rising and a Light shall shine that will diminish the darkness…!!
I see many aspects of this Word coming to the fore.
Keep Praying Remnant — the Battle is raging and there is no room for Passivity or Complacency…!
Update 2
June 13, 2023
This Prophetic Word is once again coming to the fore and The Holy Spirit is bringing it to our Attention; WATCH AND PRAY!
Please keep in mind Friends, there is no reward in being mere Spectators of the Word — but we must be Partakers! We must war with The Word…
Dreams and Visions are portals to divine possibilities!
…It’s an Invitation to partner with heaven to see the word fulfilled.
We love to cry “False Prophet!” when Prophetic Words fall to the ground, but we are unwilling to pay a price in the secret place, we are undisciplined, spiritually lazy and many are passive in the place of prayer when it comes to Prophetic Revelation.
Prophecy is not fairy dust…!
Prophecy is 99% conditional and requires unrelenting prayers until the word is made manifest!
Pictures on Fox News last night…
Thank you Robin Johnson for sharing.
Jesse Watters: The odds aren’t on Biden’s side Fox News host Jesse Watters unwraps the media’s attempt to ‘boomerang’ every attack on President Biden to better his odds of winning in November on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.‘
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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