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Prophet Julie Green - Their Plans to Smoothly Switch Their Candidate Will Fail - Captions
God reassures His people that the plots and plans of their enemies to overthrow the President and manipulate the election will fail. He encourages President Trump to trust in Him and His prophets for guidance and promises a great victory for the nation. God also warns of coordinated attacks and a great divide within the enemy's party, ultimately leading to their downfall and the revival of the nation.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
James 4:3
Ps. 27:1-6, 13-14
2 Cor. 2:14
1 John 4:4
Ps. 21:11
Ps. 22:28
Ps. 9:1, 3-9, 16, 19-20
Heb. 13:8
Heb. 10:23
2 Kings 7:1-20
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 47:8
Ps. 37:13
Ps. 89:22-23, 34
Job 22:28
Prov. 23:7
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Good morning, everybody. Today is already Wednesday and it's June 19th of 2024. You know what today is? It's Wednesday. So it's Wednesdays. I will be on with Pastor Dave yet again today at 11 o'clock central time. And there is some big things that are going to be mentioned today. I know that the Lord is going to have for me.
There are prophecies that I have not. Given out I will be giving out portions of those for you to hear and so i'm excited because I don't know if you guys have been hearing but because this prophecy fulfilled I was able to see in little you know tidbits and little Clips of some of these things but they are talking How many of you guys have heard all over social media and the mainstream media?
They're talking about replacing a certain person That's in the white house. Well, I think God has been talking about that for three years about the replacing of the Biden. Now, all of a sudden the news is talking about replacing. The Biden. Because why? God talked about the cognitive, his functionality was going to decline so much that they were not going to be able to hide it, and they were not going to be able to keep him.
And all these things are coming to pass. And remember, God has been using that word, And I think he's used it in the word I was even dictating out this morning. I think I dictated out three of them this morning. I'm going to give out one to you today, but the word unprecedented, it is, is so profound. How many things are unprecedented that have been happening this year alone?
How many things are unconventional this year alone? This is not a normal election. This is not a normal year. This is not things that are going on. God keeps talking about how things that were normal are not gonna be normal anymore. And he's been discussing that for at least three years. So we're seeing so many different things coming to pass.
I know the team just did a really amazing job getting out another prophecy fulfilled video on resignations. I was sitting there watching it to approve it before it went up on the website and up on, you know, our social media platforms. I mean, And it was just so like, just awe, like shocking when you're seeing all of these things because when you're seeing them all at one time, it is unprecedented and it's unconventional.
All the CEOs and all the CFOs and all these people stepping down and all these different high ranking positions. And all this stuff is happening because God said that they were not going to be stepping down on their own, that he was removing people. He was causing a reset and we're starting to see that not just in the political, but we're also seeing the business.
We're also seeing in Hollywood and entertainment because God is shaking up. This is a time of shaking. And so as we see the shaking, people are getting more uncomfortable. Why? Because the enemies are more uncomfortable and the enemies want you uncomfortable because they want you hopeless. They want you in despair.
They want you giving up. They want you to just quit on giving up hope that you're going to have any type of victory whatsoever, or that you're going to have any type of relief from anything that they're doing to you. But the exact opposite is happening because people, no matter how hard the enemy, and I was just on with Steve yesterday, he was so amazing.
If you guys have not watched that live show, go and watch that because. It was such amazing to hear and see another Christian that is out there that is talking about justice, that is talking about the, the shaking of the church, and the realization of how the church has been, how it really needs to be, and, and just God revealing himself to us, and how so many people have been believing a lie.
It was so amazing, that live show. Shoot, you missed it. Go back and watch it. It was so fun to be with somebody who has, is on the same page especially when it comes to all these things that are going on in our country and this nation and what's going on politically. So it was it was awesome.
It was fun to do that show yesterday And so I hope you guys could watch that as well I'm gonna get to this one in this prophecy now This is from yesterday morning. Now. I have a couple other ones that I heard before it, but he was specific I needed to do this one this morning. So again, it's out of order, but it's not always about order It's always about the timing of god and when he wants them to be put out There's some times where I have to hold the word for a while because it's not the right timing.
It's always the perfect time of God of when to release a word. Okay, just because I hear it doesn't mean I have to release it right away. That's not how it works because I always ask him, what do you want them to hear for this very day in this very hour? So this one was from yesterday morning. So from June 18th and listen to what he's saying right here.
My children, a plot to kill a president Has failed. A plot to impeach him has failed. A plot to incriminate him has failed. A plot to turn the nation against him has failed. A plot to overthrow him and remove him from the ballot has failed. A plot to remove him from the next election entirely has failed.
The plan to stop him from moving forward to take back the seat of the president has failed. Has also failed don't you see no matter the design Their plan and their or their plans. They have failed against My David and my nation. They have more up their sleeves But you guessed it they will fail their coup and their fraudulent government Will fail with their next moves against this nation their plans to smoothly switch their candidate Will fail.
These will not go how they have designed them to go. With replacing the Biden, it will bring backlash and a resistance. They will turn on their own party leaders watch as they become violent against each other. Because their plot, how they try to pull this off, will enrage their own party even more. The DNC convention will be unprecedented for them, and not in a good way.
There will be interruptions and people marching in the streets protesting will show a great resistance has grown and the party lines have been drawn. Where they once agreed is now a great divide.
My children, you are seeing a great weakness has grown because they are no longer in agreement. Your enemies are destroying themselves and any credibility they thought they had now has disappeared. I told you that the old guard is coming down. And so is everyone with them. Sayeth the Lord. Unprecedented and unconventional things will continue to take place regarding this election.
And things in this nation. A plot to steal yet another election will fail. They will show their hand in this land, yes. Your establishment will become bold yet again, while making their next moves to have their own *selection*. But it will not work. Do you hear me, O United States? I allowed it to happen before, for their fall.
Not for them to gain ground or take over this nation. It was for their destruction. Do not fear what they say or what they do leading up to this day, because I will ultimately have my way, saith the Lord of Hosts.
*President Trump, do you hear me?* You still have *traitors* in your midst. Listen to my words and follow my directions. You can't do this alone. No, not without me, says the Lord. I will lead you and guide you. I will show you who to have next to you. That's not just politicians and people that know Washington. No, it's people who know me *is more important*.
You need my people who listen to my voice next to you. But it's not just any religious leader. No, some have betrayed you and your trust and some have been beside you were there not to help you but to use you. I will show you who to pick... but the time is now to *trust my prophets.* Now is time to let them in. It's time to hear my words through them.
This is what has been missing You needed my guidance to take you the rest of the way through to take back the seat of the President. It'll be different this time. Yes. No comparison. Because this time, you will not limit me. Don't trust in man. They will fail you. Trust in me, and you will see a great victory, saith the Lord of Hosts.
My children, stand your ground and don't be moved. This nation is being revived. This nation is being reborn. This nation will be stronger than ever before. Your enemy's continued plots and plans and schemes. You will see coordinated attacks against you and your nation will continue to fail. I Am standing in their way.
Get ready for the giants are coming down. Saith the Lord, your Redeemer. So in this prophetic word, one of the things he kept saying is fail or failure. God is saying our enemies are failing and you can see that all over in the scriptures that I've given to you many, many different times, but I'm also going to give you more this morning.
Because we have to have that confidence that as we are moving forward, as we are going toward that goal line of our victory, as we're going toward that goal line of our freedom and getting what belongs to us back, we have to have that confidence that God is a promise keeper and he will do what he said that he will do.
He also is that God who will avenge. He is that God who will destroy the power of the wicked, even right in front of your face. Now remember, God does allow the enemies to do so many things in order for their failure, in order for their destruction, on massive scale, for the world to see. Just like he allowed them to come after the children of Israel again, when they were already released from Egypt, and some people, even myself included, wonder why God allowed the enemy to pursue his people once again, Once they were already gone out of the land of Egypt, and the reason for that was for their ultimate destruction and their ultimate failure, and he wanted his people to see him do it right before their eyes.
It was important for the tone of Israel to see God destruction of the enemies and avenge them of all the destruction that the enemies have caused as people. It was important for him to allow them to see it. Do you see why it's so important for God's people to see the destruction of the enemies now?
Because if they weren't on center stage and they weren't Pursuing you and if they were just being judged when you weren't seeing all of it Then how would you know that God did it and how would you have that confidence moving forward that he would do it again? So he allows certain things to be seen in order for you to know who he really is That he is that great I Am still in the Bible and the book of Exodus that he says that I Am that I Am That I Am is the one who destroyed the power of the Egyptians in front of God's people.
He is still that I Am today that will destroy the power of the globalists right in front of our face He is still that God so it's important for his people to understand and know Who he really is? That's why he's been showing us through these prophetic words. He's been showing us through his written word Who he is and that he can be trusted a lot of people again have that question mark Will god do this?
Will god protect will god avenge will god deliver will god set us free? Will god heal the answer to all those things is yes And why do we know that? Because God is a promise keeper. He keeps his word. He, his word, he performs. His words do not fail. His words stand forever. Even Jesus was telling his disciples that.
My word, Will stand forever because they will no matter how the world changes and how the government's changed and how laws change. But God's word doesn't change. There are people that are trying to change the word and trying to twist the word and that's why they have AI writing a Bible and they have manipulated.
Some have already, some of the translations of the Bible. They have taken the specific words out and the meaning of those scriptures to water it down and make it not as important. Satan, since the Garden of Eden, which I've told you before, has always tried to twist the Word of God so God's people don't believe or don't understand what God was really meaning to say.
And what he had really for his people. Satan's been doing that forever, since the beginning, because he was jealous of mankind, because God made him higher. God made his people higher than the angels, and so he couldn't understand that, and he was angry. Remember, why do you think he's gone after God's people immediately, and he started in the Garden of Eden with that deception with Adam and Eve?
And then he got that power that Adam and Eve had. And he turned it into the curse. And so we see what's been going on for generations. We've seen what's been going on for thousands of years. God tells us there's nothing new under the sun. So then why do God's people not understand that there's nothing new under the sun and that God will still do what he's also said he was going to do.
And then he's done in the past because the verbiage and, or the doctrines and, or what the churches have been saying has changed. Why? Because the adversary made them well, he infiltrated the body of Christ and sorry, my camera is up to shenanigans again. But the church has been infiltrated by certain things and certain people in order for God's word not to go out as it's supposed to go out and as he meant for it to be.
So that's the reason why there has been a war on the Word of Almighty God and the meaning of the Word of Almighty God and who God truly is. There's been a war on that. So God's people don't know who he is and they don't know what to expect and they don't know what to expect and fear comes and if fear comes, then there's no faith and there's no faith.
There's no strength and there's no strength. Then you accept defeat. Do you see the domino effect of all of it? That's why it's so important to, I told you, God is the best study buddy in the world. If you study with God and you ask God, okay I'm reading your word like even when I was reading the book of revelation several times over That's the only book in the Bible and I've had people say that's not true and I might go look at it It's the only book in the Bible.
It says you're blessed for reading it in Revelation chapter 1 talks about that You're blessed for reading this word. Why because it's a revelation of the end time and what's going to happen? Well, people don't want to read that book because they don't understand it and they don't understand it and they get afraid of it They get afraid of it.
They don't have anything to do with it Well, that's because they don't understand. But God helps you understand. God gives you that wisdom, that knowledge, that understanding. If you need it, you have not because you ask not. If you need understanding regarding the Word of God, then God will give you that understanding.
There are times where I'm like looking at scriptures and I'm reading the scriptures and I'm studying the scriptures and I'm, I'm in prayer and I'm like, Lord, I need help. And it's like a magnifying glass or like a aha moment. It's like this, it just goes off. And I'm like, I've seen it in a new light in a way I've never seen it before.
He gives that revelation to those who ask. All we have to do is ask. That's it. I mean just God is so Awesome when you ask him especially to reveal himself to you in a greater way to reveal his word to you in a greater way Of course, he's going to to answer that because he wants you to know him more. He wants you to know his word more That's why I tell you every day get into the word of god write down these scriptures get back in it Don't take my word for it and get into the Word of God and ask him about it.
I want you to get these revelations for you and on your own so that you are confident when you go into studying and prayer that you know that you know that you know that God is also talking to you and is giving you these revelations because just because I'm a teacher of the Word of God doesn't mean he won't want to show himself to you in that same way.
Now, not everybody has prophecy, or can prophesy, it doesn't matter. God still wants a fellowship with each and every one of his children, his entire body he wants a relationship with. But there has been this standard in the body of Christ, well, it's the leaders, it's the people in the fivefold ministry, they're the ones who have, you know, the closer relationship with God, kind of like how they do in that one religion where there's only one person apparently that speaks to God, and that's not true.
God speaks to all of his children who are willing to listen. I want to go over some scriptures with you to get you encouraged that God will do what he says that he will do. So if you look in Psalm, now again, David had a great revelation of this and I tell this all the time. David had a great revelation of God showing up in hard times.
David had a great revelation of God showing up in the impossible. No matter his enemy and the size of his enemy, big or small, strong or weak, David knew and was confident in God. And when he started to question and he started to freak out, you could say, he started to worry, he started to doubt, he would go to God and he would encourage himself in the Lord and he'd go to the Lord and say, what do you want me to do about it?
David made mistakes. David was not a perfect person at all, but David had the heart of God because David trusted and relied on God despite what he faced. And that's why God has asked, where is Joshua's? Where is Caleb's? Where is David's? Where is Daniel's? Where are his people in the matter of no, no matter what they're facing, no matter the type of adversity, they're gonna stand in front of that adversity and go, but God, God is on my side.
I will not fear. Go to Psalm chapter 27. Psalm 27 in verse 1 says, The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is my refuge and stronghold of my life, whom shall I be afraid? Well, if you know that God's on your side, you know that God's your stronghold, you know that God is that fortress, you know that God's protecting you, and you know that God's going to deliver you, you're going to stand in front of adversity and go, I'm not afraid of you.
You can have that boldness. David had that boldness because he saw God help him defeat a lion, he saw God help him defeat a bear, he saw God help him defeat Goliath, and he saw God help him defeat and help him with Saul, and so many other armies that came against David. What happened with David and Ziklag and how everything was taken from him.
But he encouraged himself to the Lord and said, Lord, what do you want me to do? And God said, pursue, overtake, and recover all. And later on in the scripture says, David recovered all. Why? Because he retrusted in God. He didn't sit there. He did fall down. He did cry to the point where he couldn't cry anymore because he had his people turn against him.
But he encouraged himself in the lord. That's the point if we fall down the whole thing is is to get back up again Everybody slips everybody falls. Everybody has a bad day. But is what you do in the midst of it Are you going to stay down? Are you going to get back up? Are you going to encourage yourself in the lord and go you know what?
I will not accept this defeat because god says he always causes me to triumph in his word And he is my victory because he's jehovah nissi He's my banner and I will not give in to defeat. He is my victory. So I will Receive the victory that I have and I will not give up and I will not quit till I see it
there is such thing as having a you know, being stubborn in a good way and not Quitting on trusting in God verse 2 psalm 27 and verse 2 When the wicked even my enemies and my foes come up upon me to eat my flesh and they stab Stumble and fell so David was talking about how no matter his enemies and his foes that were going to come against him to kill him They stumbled and they fell or in other words They failed at killing David.
They failed at overthrowing David They failed at all their attempts to attack him doesn't matter what their plans were. They failed Verse 3, Though host and camp against me, my heart shall not fear, though war arise against me, even then it, in this I will be confident. Even in war, he said, he'll be confident in what?
That his foes and his enemies, Will fail they will fall because he knows the one who is with him is Greater than who is against him. That's what God tells us almost every day He reminds me to tell you about first John 4 4 because God's people need to have a revelation of first John 4 4 the greater one lives on the inside of me that he that's greater And that's in the world.
You have to know that who's on the inside of you is greater than who is against you. Get that revelation. God is greater. I was just telling my niece the other day when she was going through something, I don't know if you guys all remember VeggieTales, but I remember all three of my boys. We had them watch VeggieTales.
And one of the songs was God is greater than the boogeyman or the monsters on TV. And I just want to make her laugh for one. But God is greater and we have to have that. That's why I love that. Those silly songs with the VeggieTales. And I just, I was like, I just kept saying, I just had that in my mind. I was like, I just kept saying that song over and over and over again, because God is greater than the boogeyman or the monsters on TV or the enemies that we see before us.
It's a great revelation to have on the inside of you that no matter what you're seeing before you, no matter how big or bad, how massive your giants are that you're facing in your own life, God is saying, I'm bigger than that problem. I am bigger than those people that are against you. I am bigger because God is bigger and we just have to have that revelation.
Verse 4, still in Psalm 27, in verse 4. One thing I have asked the Lord will I seek and require for insistently require. That I may dwell in the house of the Lord in his presence All the days of my life to behold and gaze upon beauty and the sweet attractiveness And the delight lovingness of the Lord to meditate and consider and acquire his temple.
He's talking about the glory of the Lord Remember the glory of the Lord is his presence his power and his goodness and if we're in his presence No foe can be in the presence of Almighty God. The enemy cannot touch you. The enemy cannot hold you. He can't keep you. And he can't destroy you. If we're in the presence of Almighty God.
That's why it's so important to have that relationship with God on a daily basis. That's why I send you back to Him all the time. Because we're just human. Human can make mistakes all the time. But God doesn't. And it's important to know that. Verse 5. For in the day of trouble, Now listen, David had a great revelation of this for in the day of trouble He will hide me in his shelter in the secret place of his tent He will hide me and he will set me up He set me up high upon a rock and then it says in verse 6 and now Shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me in his tent.
I will offer Sacrifices and shouting of joy. I will sing. Yes, I will sing praises to the Lord No matter how many times and how many enemies came against David, David reminded himself on how God was faithful and how God always got him out. And he said, my God rises me up above my enemies because he does.
We have seen that scripture time and time again, that I've gone over it. That he rises up us against our above our enemies. God is faithful. We're not on the same Playing field. We're not on the same level He's in talks about that in Ephesians 1 where he said we are far above and he mentions that several different times in the scriptures We are far above our enemies in verse 13 of Psalm 27 says what would have become of me?
Had I not believed That I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living. So if he did not have faith, David was saying, what would have come of me? If I did not believe in trusting God, no matter what I saw, it's important to trust. In god because like he said if he didn't have trust in god if he didn't believe in god, he would have died verse 14 Wait and hope for the for and expect the lord be brave and of good courage.
Let your heart be stout and enduring Yes, wait for hope for and expect The Lord expect the Lord to what to do what he said in his work, he will do expect and protect you expect him to deliver you expect him to free you and expect him to destroy the enemies who are before you and give you that victory that he has promised Psalm 21 verse 11
Psalm 21 verse 11 for they planned evil against you. They can see the mysterious mischievous plot. Which they are not able to perform. I'm going to read that again. For they planned evil against you. They conceived a mischievous plot, which they were not able to perform. So that means they couldn't carry out their plans.
Because God was gonna stop it. We just need to trust that God is going to stop the plans of the enemy. Let's turn to Psalm 22, verse 28. We gotta remind ourselves also verse Psalm 22, verse 28 for the kingship and the kingdom are the Lords and He rules. He is the ruler over the nations who rules over the nations, not the people who think they're ruling over the nations.
It's God. He rules over all the nations. That means if he rules over all the nations, then God will have the final say. And God will have his way. So God rules over all the nations, not the people who think they're in control. If you also go to Psalm nine,
Psalm nine, verse one says, I will praise you, Oh Lord, with my whole heart. I will show forth recount and tell aloud all your marvelous works and your wonderful deeds. So that's one thing that David did in the midst of trouble, in the midst of anguish. In the midst of of like a impossible looking situation in the midst of adversity, he would recount and tell aloud all the things that God had done from in the past.
There are times where I was going through things. That's exactly what I did. I had to remind myself of all the things that God said in his word, but also all the times that he was faithful in the past that he came in and delivered me out of a situation. I would recount or tell a lot. I would thank him for that.
I would say, I thank you, father. God, I thank you. No matter what it looks like right now, just like you did before. And then I would mention what he did before. I think that you are going to do it again because you're faithful to perform your work. You say you always caused me to triumph. So I thank you for this victory.
I'm what? Giving him Thanksgiving and praise. I'm thanking him and I'm reminding him that I didn't forget all the things that he has done in the past in my life and all the things that he's done in the word. And I thank him and I trust him. That's what we need to do. That's why, again, like I mentioned earlier with the children of Israel, having to see the enemies fall in front of their face at the Red Sea.
They should have known that and reminded themselves of that and praised him of that when they came up against the giants that were in the promised land that God promised them if they would have did like what David did Recounted said aloud start praising and worshiping him say Lord. I thank you just like you did with the with Egypt you destroyed Them against us and before our face.
I thank you no matter how big these giants are in this land You promise this land to us. We're gonna walk right in and you're going to feed us Defeat the enemies before our faith. We thank you Father God. You destroyed Pharaoh. You destroyed all of his men. You destroyed his army. We thank you. We're gonna destroy the army of the giants.
You think the outcome would've been a little different? Yes. So why is God getting us? To do that. Why does he want to remind us all of these different things? Why does he want us to see what he did in his word? And see that he's faithful to perform his work and see that he's still the same yesterday today and forever Because people need to recount and tell aloud all the awesome and mighty things that god did and that he will do it again Because he's the same god.
He is the same god We may have that, you know different looking faces that are against god's people You And, you know, different, you know, governments and different kingdoms or empires, but it's still the same enemy that's behind in them, driving them and giving them the, the power to try to overthrow us.
It's the same. There's nothing new under the sun. So, look at verse 3 in Psalm 9. When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before you. They're gonna turn back, they're gonna run away, because God is bigger. And remember, even like what happened in I think it was 2 Kings chapter 6. Or no, 2nd Kings chapter 7, when it came to the four leprous men.
2nd Kings chapter, or chapter 7, don't turn there, I'm just referring to it. But that was when four leprous men walked up to the camp of the enemy. This was against it was Assyria and Samaria. And they went up to the Syrians, the Syrian army, and they went up to go find refuge because they didn't want to stay where they were at because they knew they were going to die.
And if they went into the town, they were going to get stoned. And if they were going to sit there, I mean, every which way they were going to look, they were going to die. There was no one situation. And so they went to the enemy's camp and then the enemy was gone. Everything that they had was left. All their, all their horses, all their riches, all their wealth, everything, all their food, everything was left in the camp.
They scattered. They ran like little chickens. And the reason why they did that is because they heard a great and mighty army coming against them when it was really only four leperous men walking up to their camp. But God had the enemies here, a great multitude of people, so the enemies scattered and ran away.
That's the reason why. The enemies will always run. Why do you think a lot of them wear? masks They want to hide Because once they're caught they cry like little girls All right Now verse four for you have maintained my right in my cause you sat on the throne judging righteously again It's god talking about judging because god is the judge and it says in psalm 75 in verse 7 That god is the judge over all the earth.
He brings down one and he lifts up another It's really important for us to have that revelation Right now verse 5 for you rebuke the nations. This is still chapter 9 in Psalms You rebuke the nations you have destroyed the wicked you have blotted out their name forever and ever Psalm 9 verse 6 the enemy have been cut off and have vanished an everlasting ruin You have plucked up and overthrown their cities the very memory of them have perished and vanished Again, they never get to stay where they're at.
Verse 8, He will judge the world in righteousness and rightness and equity. He will minister justice to the people in uprightness. God is a God of judgment and justice. Justice will always be served where there was injustice. verse 9 the Lord will also be a refuge in a high tower for the oppressed a Refuge and stronghold in times of trouble the high cost destitute and desperation Then if you jump down to verse 16 Psalm 9 verse 16, the Lord has made himself known He executes judgment the wicked are snared in the work Of their own hands the wicked are snared at the work of their own Hands then jump down to verse 19.
Oh rise. Oh lord. Let not man prevail Let the nations be judged Before you nations will always be judged that are against God verse 20 put them in fear Make them realize their frail nature. Oh Lord, let the nations may know themselves be but men Because they're not in control. They're not more powerful.
They were not outsmart God They don't have their you know, they will never have their way against God It will never happen and David was saying here Let show them that they are frail and they are just men. They're not like you. They're not as powerful as you Let them know that they are nothing. That's what david was saying. Psalm 47 and verse 8
psalm 47 and verse 8 says God reigns over the nations god sits upon his holy throne So again, god sits god reigns over the nations and he sits on his holy throne You Now also it says in his word in Psalm 37, it talks about how he sits in his throne, he sits in the heavens and he laughs because he sees the defeat of the enemy coming.
Why? Because there will always be the defeat of the enemy. It will always happen because the enemies will always be defeated because they've already guaranteed to lose. Because the one who is giving them that power is already a defeated loser. He will never overthrow God. He will never win. No matter how much he tries, because he's going to try, you'll see it even if you read the book of Revelation, he's going to try until the very end, but he never gets what he wants.
Because God reigns over the nations. He reigns over this earth. No matter what the our adversary wants us to believe. Psalm 89,
Psalm 89 verse 22, The enemy shall not exact from him or do him violence or outwit him, nor shall the wicked afflict and humble him. Verse 23, I will beat down his foes before his face and smite those who hate him. Again, God's enemies will never get what they want. And then you can continue to read in Psalm 89 in verse 34, and it says, my covenant, I will not break or profane nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips.
So what does God tell us in his covenant? We have a blood covenant with almighty God through the blood of what Jesus Christ has shed for us We have a blood covenant that we are redeemed from the curse that we God always causes us to triumph that we are the head not the tail we are the above or not beneath We are not Below or subject to our enemies control.
That's why God will always come down And he will always deliver us out of the hand of the enemy That's his promise. Now if you go to job 22 Now we've talked about job 22 in verse 28 multiple times because if you go on our website Under our blog post which is the marching orders and then if you go under the prophecies because there's also teachings You There are things that you are to decree and to declare to speak what God needs you to speak and agree what God needs you to agree with.
Because when you decree a thing, like it says in Job 22, it shall be established. So it says right here, you shall also decree and declare a thing and it shall be established for you and the light of God's favor shall shine upon you and your ways. You shall decree a thing so decree speak what god needed to speak and those things You decree a thing and it shall be established if you are decreeing declaring every day I have the victory if you decree and declare every day I have my healing if you decree and declare every day The enemies are falling if you decree and declare every day our nations are being restored if you decree and declare Every single day the truth of almighty god in his word watch as you decree a thing It shall be established because you are aligning yourself up with the word of God.
You're in agreement with God and you're allowing God to work on your behalf. That's what all of us need to do is to let God work on our behalf is by being in agreement with what he is saying. There are times, or so many times, in the darkness of my darkest, darkest, darkest, darkest of days, when I was in those dark, horrible, suicidal, fear and anxiety days.
You know what I would say all the time. I'm sick and tired. I'm tired of being sick and tired. I'm sick and tired I'm sick and tired. I'm tired of being sick and tired, you know And I was in so much fear and so much anxiety and I saw myself A certain way I saw myself as weak. I saw myself as you know, all these insecurities and I saw myself as this failure and I saw myself as As you know, not being able to overcome any of these things.
I believed it. And so a man thinketh in his heart. So is he, you think that you are all these things because I was believing the thoughts in my mind, I was believing my thought, the thoughts of my mind. And I was also speaking some of those thoughts. And so those things were allowed to choke hold and hold me in those positions of where I did not want to be.
So what I had to do is God said, look, You need to be agreement with me instead of your enemy Get into what I Am telling you to say and what I Am telling you to do in order to break you free We decree a thing and it shall be established I needed to be in agreement with god was saying about me instead of agreement And saying what the enemy wanted me to say and what the enemy wanted me to believe and agree with him So, we need to get on the same page as Almighty God and receive what God is saying and what God is doing in our life in order for Him to move freely in our life.
Because it even says this in Psalm, it talks about how they limited the Holy One of Israel because they're murmuring, groaning, and complaining. If you read in Numbers, chapter 14, they're just gonna say, we're gonna die in the wilderness, we're gonna die in the wilderness, we're gonna die in the wilderness.
And guess what? They died in the wilderness. Why? Because they said it. They decreed a thing and it shall be established. That's not what God wanted for them. God wanted for them to go into the promised land. That was promised to them. But the older generation, full of religious minded people, full of all this type of legalistic stuff, and they were seeing what they saw, they believed, and because what they saw, what they believed, and they got what they saw.
Or what they believed. They were gonna die in the wilderness. Well, you died in the wilderness because you didn't trust in God And what God said he was gonna do for you by sending you into the promised land that he promised Abraham Isaac and Jacob That was his promise. There are people right now and because there are sometimes I was like Lord, how are they so stupid?
I don't understand. How are they so dumb?
I Was corrected Don't be too quick to judge because and the reason why I knew I knew as soon as he I said it and as Soon as he corrected me. I was like, oh I knew he got me because there are things in my own life It you know may not have been as big as that that I questioned God over But there were certain things in my life that I questioned God over and I didn't even realize I was questioning So we can't be too quick to judge.
So what we have to do is we have to in our lives We have to know you know what God Reveal it to me if I am somehow in some way, not trusting you, reveal it to me, any door I have opened, reveal it to me, Father God, if I'm limiting you in any way with my mouth, if I'm limiting you with my actions, if I'm limiting you by trying to control these things, by trying to make these own decisions and trying to, to, to, you know, make all these things in my own life work and I'm not letting you be you, I'm trying to do everything on my own.
Even like with our event, there were so many things. I would just, I was just like, even though I wasn't planning it totally, cause I have event planners, they did an amazing job. Thank you, Patricia and Sarah, God bless you and everybody else that was doing it. We had so many people that helped with that.
We had Annie, we had we had Patricia, we had Sarah, we had Mary June, we had all, and Kathy, we had all these different people helping with this event. And Mary Lou, all my team had some part in it somehow, some way, but there are still that. I just want God to do what he wants to do. I just want to let him work.
And I just, I just let that pressure get on. And then right before the event, he said, what are you doing? And I'm like, what? He said, let me have it. You said this was my event. And I said, yes. He said, then stop worrying about it. Let me do what I want to do. And so I realized at the time I didn't, I wasn't thinking that I was holding onto all of that.
When I shouldn't have at all. So there's some time in our own actions in our own lives we are Trying to control and fix and and help god There's another time that I was corrected. Okay, you guys know I don't edit these videos I just you know, I just do and say whatever god wants me to say and do and there's a lot of times where he just Has me, you know show what he had to do to correct me because i'm an imperfect person by a lot So there was one time I was trying to help god You Thinking, you know, that's a smart thing to do.
I'm just going to help God and make it go a little bit faster. Then I had all these doors slam on my face and slam on my face and slam my face. And I got real frustrated. And I'm like, Lord, what is going on? And I was crying out to him, you know, just like whining, like, God, why is all this happened to me?
I'm standing on your word and I'm praying. And he said, I don't need your help because I was realizing that I took that control back of that situation. And. When I was praying that he had that control, but somehow, some way, I took it back. He said, I don't need your help. I just need your faith. I don't need you to figure this out.
I just need you to trust me that I have it all figured out. And once I let that go, that stress of that situation go, then God was able to flow. God was able to move and got, and I got exactly what I was praying for and what I was believing for. Why? Because I let him work. So a lot of times we bundle up all this stuff and we try to help God and God's like let go and let me flow.
So that's why when we, we decree a thing it shall be established. We trust in God and let God flow. I don't know exactly. It was like, well, how's God gonna do all this stuff with this nation? I don't have a clue. I just know what he says in this word. I know he's been skimming us prophetically I don't care how he makes it all work.
I don't care how he makes it all work All I know is the end result and the end result Is that they will be exposed and they will fail and they will fall and god is going To have that victory for us and he's going to deliver us out of all this mess. That's how I know That's what he's gonna do I don't know how he's going to get it done.
I just know that he will do it because he's done it all in the past over and over and over again. So, let's go to back to this prophetic word. Again, this was so important not only for us to hear. Again, prophecy is in part, and you can't know the whole entire picture. Or the puzzle it's a piece to a puzzle It's like pieces and then god has other people that will give other pieces to the puzzle this really big massive puzzle so that prophecy is in part some people try to Explain away prophecy.
They'll try to put their own understanding or own twist on it And then they'll say well that didn't come to pass and that was wrong and blah blah No, because you had your spin on it. You had your way of Thinking that is what god meant When God didn't mean that at all. That's why we had to just sit back be patient We don't understand everything because God said over and over and over again Things are not how they appear to be because they aren't so even though something may look one way But the prophecy does said this doesn't mean it's wrong It means there's time of that fulfillment and then you'll understand it all because the children of Israel when they were in Egypt They didn't understand everything either You know, they were just told, Moses said, Hey, I'm mostly coming here to say, let my people go.
And we were just, you know, we're just going to go. And guess what? They didn't let, be let go for some time. So it looked like the prophetic word that he heard that he was sent there to do was wrong. Because their life became more miserable. So then they were turning on Moses and angry at Moses when Moses was doing exactly what he was supposed to do and he was obeying God I'm sure Moses thought I'm gonna go up to Pharaoh one time and say let my people go and Pharaoh's just on Automatically just gonna do it.
You know, if I was Moses, I probably would have thought the same thing, too God you told me to do it. Okay, I'm gonna go back over to Egypt even though they want to kill me I'm gonna go back over there. You're gonna protect me I'm gonna say let my people go like you tell me to do because your words are powerful and the enemy don't have a choice And they're just gonna do it Well, that's not what happened right away.
It took time and it happened right away. So even when things don't happen right away or don't look how they appear to be or how you want it to be and people get mad and people get offended at god or they get offended at the person giving the prophetic word and god saying That's not how what I said.
That's not how I meant it. So this is the part where We're being patient. I don't know about you, but I'm having fun. I'm having fun saying what God's doing. It is fun. All right. So this is the first paragraph now. Honestly, you guys know in this first paragraph of this prophetic word He's talking about president trump.
Okay when he's talking about president is definitely not The one who thinks or thinks he's president now, he may not even think he's probably who knows We don't even know what that person thinks anymore All right, because he doesn't think he knows where he's even at half the time You So this first paragraph says my children a plot now listen what happened and I don't know if let me will realize this But there was so many times our team, out of nowhere, we had to pray for the president right now, we got to pray for the president right now, that's again, President Trump, because we knew his life was in danger, and there's been attempts on his life, and it didn't work, because God said it wasn't going to happen, and God's given that prophecy too.
My children, a plot to kill a president has failed, a plot to impeach him has failed, a plot to incriminate him has failed. Now people say, well, they did incriminate him. Just wait. One of them, they are talking about a mistrial. Just wait. Just because of that verdict, there's also could be appeals and again a mistrial.
Don't be hung up on what it looked like. God ain't. A plot to incriminate him has failed. A plot to turn the nation against him has failed. A plot to overthrow him and remove him from the ballot failed. A plot to remove him from the next election entirely.
The plot to the plan to stop him from moving forward to take back the seat of the president has also failed.
Don't you see no matter the design, their plans have failed against My David and my nation. They have more up their sleeves. Now he's warning you. They have more up their sleeves. They're not done with 2024 yet, with this election. They're not done. He says, but you guessed it, they will fail. Remember the same day that the verdicts came out about President Trump and God said, don't be in fear about what you are about to hear?
Don't fear what you are about to hear? That's exactly what she said, don't fear what you're about to hear. We weren't supposed to fear any of those words because those words don't matter. They don't. And what they try to do next, what they have up their sleeve, is not going to change the result. The end result is their failure.
That's what God's telling us. Then he says, next paragraph, Their coup and their fraudulent government will fail with their next moves against this nation. Their plans to, now look, God's been talking about the removal of the Biden for three years. Now, like I told you earlier, and just in the mainstream media, now all of a sudden they're talking about the replacement of the Biden.
And it's, it's been all over social media. I think the last, I don't know, at least it was yesterday. All of a sudden I was like, I was telling my team. I was like, Holy crap. I said, this is so awesome because God's been talking about that. He talked about it again because he gave me this yesterday morning and it was blown over social media yesterday afternoon.
Again, but this is what he's saying right here though. And this hasn't come out yet because this hasn't happened yet. Their plans to smoothly switch their candidate will fail. So they think by either making him drop out or something else takes place, they're just going to easily just go and switch the candidate out and put somebody else on the ballot and it not be a big deal and they're just going to go forth with 2024.
Guy said no. Now their plans to smoothly switch their candidate. Will fail. Things will not go how they designed them to go with replacing the Biden. It will bring backlash and a resistance. They will turn on their own party leaders. So again, you have an entire party That was gonna either vote for this person or was Forced to vote for this person and now all of a sudden they're gonna switch it They're gonna switch it up and the and the sad thing is about this is the people Should be able to pick the candidate, but if they change it on or before or right after the convention Again, unconventional and unprecedented.
Remember those words. Things like this are not ever, has ever happened before, so you can't compare them to something else that's happened. And you know it doesn't, well, it doesn't follow the Constitution. Do you think they care about the Constitution at all? Because they don't. They want to nullify that.
They want to, like, make it like it didn't exist, and they don't want you to forget about it. So now people in their own party are going to turn against them because they're angry, and they should be angry. When you force this person upon us, now you're gonna switch it without us being able to pick who the next person should be.
They're taking away their voice, and that's wrong. They shouldn't have their voices taken away. They should be able to pick, and their voices have been taken away several times. What would happen to Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders should have been the candidate, and they took that away from him twice. So they don't care.
They don't care. It's their selection. It's not an election. It's a selection. Now he says, watch as they become violent against each other because of their plot, but how they try to pull this off, and how they try to pull this off by the switching, is gonna enrage their own party even more. So it's not even just the fact that they're going to switch him, it's the fact of how they do it will make more people mad.
Then he says, the DNC convention will be unprecedented. For for them not in a good way There will be interruptions and people marching in the streets protesting and will show a great resistance has grown and the party lines have been drawn Where they once agreed is now a great divine So you're going to start seeing you've already started to see the resistance because god said the resistance was growing And god's talked about them turning on each other And they've already started to do that, but now we're going to start seeing even greater divide because again, you have some part of them that are for Israel, and then you have some part of them for Palestine, that's a massive divide and either side won't budge.
They're trying to play both sides and it's not working. And he says, my children, you are seeing a great weakness has grown because they are no longer in agreement. Now, again, they'd agree. They'd work with their common enemy right next to them, even though they hated their guts. They'd still work with them because they have a common enemy.
That was us. So they agree to disagree now, they're not even doing that anymore He says your enemies are destroying themselves and any credibility they thought they had now has disappeared in their own camp I mean, that's what he's talking about. I told you that the old guard now again He's saying the old guard if you missed I think it was monday's prophecy.
That was massive Go watch that one because you need to hear about what god says about the old guard The old guard is coming down and so is everyone with them says the lord So again, the old guard which is that old establishment and how very deep rooted they have been and how they protected them So and then again, he uses those words unprecedented unconventional things will continue to take place regarding this next election And things in this nation a plot to steal yet another election Will fail now remember what he kept telling us They they were allowed to do that in 2020 if they weren't allowed to do that in 2020 Then they wouldn't have got what they got.
They were allowed In order for us to see them fail And fall just like the egyptians were allowed to pursue god's people until they were destroyed All right, then he says they will show their hand in this land Yes, your establishment will become bold yet again while making their moves To have their own selection because they don't have elections.
They have selections, but it will not work. Do you hear me? Oh, United States. I will. I allowed it to happen before for their fall, not for them to gain ground or take over this nation. It was for their destruction. Do not fear what they say or what they are doing and leading up to this day. What day is he talking about when they're leading up to this day of this next election?
He said because I will ultimately have My way saith the lord of hosts. We are not looking to an election to save us We are looking to god remember an election can only remove a certain amount of people can't remove everyone So god said a political reset and he said look you don't trust in that Are we supposed to do our due diligence if we have it?
Guess we're supposed to go vote and yes, we're supposed to do our due diligence by praying but it's not to trust in it We trust in God. That's what we're supposed to trust in. Now he's specifically talking to president Trump. And then he says, president Trump, do you hear me? You still have traitors in your midst.
Listen to my words, follow my directions. You can't do this alone. That means with natural ability and natural strength or natural intelligence. No, not without me says the Lord. I will lead you guide you. I will show you who have next to you That's not just politicians and people who know Washington. It can't just be well, we know Washington We know how all these things work.
No, no, no, because that old way is going away Remember what God says in his word to not trust in man. We're supposed to trust in God. No, it's people who know me is important. You need my people who listen to my voice next to you, but it's not just any Religious leader. No, some have betrayed you and your trust some have beside you We're not there to help you but to use you I hated hearing that, but it's true.
I will show you who to pick, but the time is now to trust my prophets. Then he says, now it's time to let them in. It's time to hear my words through them. This is what has been missing. You have needed my guidance to take you the rest of the way through to take back the seat of the president. It will be different this time.
Yes. No comparison because this time you will not limit me. Don't trust in man They will fail you trust in me and you will see a great victory says the Lord for us Well, he didn't know God the way he's starting to know know God now. Yes, he was born again And yes, he knew God but not in the way that he's getting to know God and who he is And God said, that's why there's going to be no comparison because when President Trump allows God to use him in a powerful way and letting God through, he's just going to knock everything out of the way that was trying to destroy us and destroy him before and destroy this nation.
So he says, My children, stand your ground. Don't be moved. And this nation is being revived. This nation is being reborn. This nation will be stronger than ever before. Your enemies continue plots and plans and schemes will be you will see the coordinated attacks against you and your nation will continue, but they will fail.
I'm standing in their way. Get ready for their, the giants are coming down. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So what we have to know, President Trump has to know, is that the Giants are going to fall. But how they're gonna fall is because him trusting and relying on God. Then for us, our nation is gonna be reborn.
It's gonna be revived. We're gonna have our freedoms back. We're gonna have what God has promised us back because we are leaning and trusting and relying on God. And we're what? We decree a thing and it shall be established. So this is what we have to do right now in this very day, in this very hour is to pray that he sees God for truly what he is and who he is and not a version of him and also that God shows him that God can be trusted.
But just because a person says they're religious or a person says that, you know, they have, you know, God's ear doesn't mean that's true. Some people were there for the wrong reason. I don't know who these people are. I didn't ask. I don't want to know. I truly don't want to know. Now, if God wants me to know, then he'll tell me, but I didn't ask those things because it's hard for me to hear that not only does a person be betrayed politically, which that's what they do to each other, but when you are betrayed by somebody who is in the body of Christ, It's hard to hear that, but it's gone both ways.
So this is why we have to, as a nation, keep our president up, president Trump up in our prayers and keep our nation up in our, in your prayers and keep the church up, the body of Christ up in your prayers. Because some people have gone in the wrong direction and they have been deceived. So we have to pray that people are aligning with God and listening to God and what he's saying and trusting and relying on him because man You no matter how intelligent they are can only see a little pinhole of this entire universe and what's going on in it That's why you need God and God's word and you need to have God's ear because you need to hear what God has to say You need to hear what he is leading and guiding you You And that goes for everybody.
So, before I go, now don't forget, I will be on with Pastor Dave again today, and I know it's going to be an amazing, AMAZING live show today, but I want to pray. So, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice, and I thank you, Father God, that they are learning, that they came to create a thing, and it shall be established.
I thank you, Father God, that they are learning, that they have on the inside of them, over and over again, and their enemies Fail the enemies are falling because the enemies are losers and they are nothing against you We thank you father god that you are el shaddai. You are like god who nothing is impossible I thank you.
They're getting to know el shaddai. They're getting to know Jehovah nissi their banner or their victory. They're getting to know jehovah jireh as their provider. They're getting to know El elyon that you are the most high god They're getting to know you in every way father god that you joe verraffa.
You're their healer You Some people don't know that you heal anymore because they're taught that. So I thank you that you are showing them that you are Jehovah Rapha. You are still the healer and father god, we lift up president trump to you We lift up this nation to you. We thank you no matter the plot plans and schemes of the enemy We're calling every one of them to fail every one of them to fall and we thank you father god that you're You're david That the president Trump is your anointed and an appointed and nothing and no one can stop what you have for him.
And we thank you, Father God, that he is knowing you in a greater way, that he is being used by you in a greater way. And I thank you, Father God, that you are, you are his father and that you are showing him how big you are. You are showing him that you're, you're the deliverer and you are showing him your unlimited power.
I thank you, Father God, that he will not limit you. And I thank you, Father God, that no matter who is in his midst that are not supposed to be there, that you reveal to him and anyone around him. And we thank you, Father God, for opening their eyes and softening their hearts to the truth and that they all know you in a greater light, in a greater way.
Because father God, they are amazing people. The people that are around him are amazing. I I've met some of them amazing, amazing, strong people, and I thank you that you are protecting them and that you are using them in a greater way and you are showing them more of your glory as we
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