Behind the bleachers with Joe Braindead Badassen

3 months ago

The Walking Dead TV show should sue CNN for plagiarism. What you saw on 6-27-2024 was an albino zombie on stage with the actual President of the United States.
And even the Extinctionists couldn't deny that 67% of the audience understood who was presidential and who was the walking dead.
But here's the worst part, all of those folks at CNN knew the truth about Biden when he was V.P. under Obama Sin Laden, and none of them had a problem with the DNCCP running an old, racist, sexist, white, heterosexual, wealthy, entitled, male, Christian corpse for POTUS (remember when they said that all old white Christian males were toxic?) Because they don't believe their own divide-and-conquer bullshit. They just want totalitarian power, and Joe Biden is the embodiment of "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY".

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