Choose 2 B Happy & Dream Big

8 months ago

TGIF, y'all! Thank Goodness It's Friday! How y'all spendin' your weekend? We're tickled pink that you chose to spend a few minutes of your valuable time hangin' out with us on Critters For Dinner. The Critters Crew is amazin' and we're so darn happy to have so many friends who not only listen to Critters For Dinner, but also enjoy it and interact with our content. It's amazin' to see so many folks find our silly little show entertainin'. So make sure you tellyomommaandem about Critters For Dinner and keep engagin' with our content online. Every time you like, comment, tweet, share, etc., it helps grow the show and gets us out to more folks.

CFD is a podcast that airs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We cover a bunch of goofy stuff, but sometimes we touch on serious topics, like today, when we gave some feedback from last night's debate. It was tough to watch, but we all know who the right man is for the job, and nothin' is gonna stop us from votin' that way. After discussin' Trump and TDS, Patton and Jason had a good laugh about folks choosin' to be angry, sad, bitter... and how you can also choose to be happy, peaceful, and joyful. Livin' your life has less to do with external pressures and more to do with internal fortitude. Choose to be happy THIS weekend and we'll see y'all Monday evenin'.

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