Mufti Menk-1000 M VIEW-Mufti Menk-Aliviar las diificultades financieras 的步驟 | - Viral 2024

8 months ago

This video share from youtube link and Today date July28 2024 from Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
Description- These videos are for entertainment purposes only. Don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.
#MuftiMenk gives important tips how to face #financial #difficulties or hardship for a believer whenever He/ she goes through such type of problem in an Islamic way. Muslims, we have come to this world or to the earth in order to be tested, we all believe that the Quran. In this lecture with English subtitle, He points out we should seek assistances from Allah (swt) through bearing sabr (#patience), asking His forgiveness, making tawba (#repentance), praying salah (#prayer) on time, downgrading living standard and trusting Allah’s plan for us.

‪@muftimenkofficial‬ said, “Success is not how much money you have, wallahi success is whether Allah is pleased with You or not; when you get Jennah (paradise) that's it, even if you had nothing on earth.”

💓💓💓Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is a student of knowledge trying to disseminate the Deen in the current age.

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